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 Wang Yanhu
Wang Yanhu
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Don't be obsessed with "death eating" anymore

(2019-10-24 18:38:23)
While the webcast platform has spawned a large number of online celebrities, it has also spawned a new career - eating and broadcasting. The "big stomach kings" with "high appearance", "big appetite" and "fat eating" have gained a lot of attention from fans through live broadcast of their own food. When people watch the video of "eating and broadcasting", they also release their bound selves in daily life. However, outside the camera, the broadcasters who enjoyed the delicious food were exposed that some people were vomiting while eating, which led to hoarseness of vocal cords and tooth corrosion. "Deadly" eating and broadcasting began to get more scrutiny.

In the era of mobile Internet, the emergence of live broadcasting platform has made many grass roots dream of turning over overnight. The TAs who could not find a place in the traditional division of labor system had a new stage through the empowerment of the Internet platform. Some people sing, some people perform, some people do "eat broadcast". It should be said that individuals should seize the wind of the times and give full play to their "talents" to realize their life ideals, which is worth encouraging. However, everything is moderate. Once the behavior slips to the extreme, the nature of things will change.

Eating and broadcasting is a good business. It is reported that the head "eating and broadcasting" can reach millions every year. The famous "eating sowing" Mizijun received 5000 yuan in his first income from eating sowing. Doing "eat broadcast" has really changed the fate of many people. For the viewer, the eating scene of "eating meat with a big mouth" can first bring sensory stimulation and enjoy a unique visual experience; Second, watching "eating and broadcasting" is also a kind of companionship and compensatory social function. Therefore, "eating and broadcasting" within the normal boundary can achieve a win-win situation.

However, the popularity of "death eating and broadcasting" has brought great harm to this profession. Some people are masochistic in "eating and sowing", whether it is chao tian jiao, chili oil, or onions, they can calmly swallow them in one mouthful; Some people play the edge ball "eat sowing", one bite down the "head popping octopus", ink and spray a face; Or hold the elephant to pull up the clam and bite it. It is also easy to cause ambiguous associations, and even suspected of violations.

Although this "deadly" eating and broadcasting has won the attention and exposure, its negative impact is also obvious. The first is "eating and broadcasting" itself. "Death style" eating method, first of all, causes a great burden on the stomach. Obesity is a small matter, and more importantly, it will affect people's physical functions. In order to avoid the ingestion of food into the body, many people choose to "eat and sow" to induce vomiting, but the first is to destroy the throat, and the second is to destroy the esophagus, which has a great impact on human health. Some time ago, the death of the Chinese American woman King of Stomach was a warning.

For the audience, the fierce eating method and ferocious expression in the scene of "death style" eating and broadcasting have been completely separated from the aesthetic category, which actually constitutes a "visual pollution". While watching the "eating broadcast" has its own healing function, it is based on respect for food and normal meals. Eating raw and spicy has long erased this function and significance.

As a product of the market, "eating and broadcasting" has its own reason to be sought after by some people. However, it is necessary to remind that "eating and broadcasting" cannot be at the expense of health. In the Internet world, "death eating" can attract more attention and help broadcasters earn more rewards, traffic sharing and advertising fees. However, if a healthy body is lost, others will become "0". For visitors, there is no need to insist on having a meal with someone. Make a good meal with good nutrition, and you can really enjoy delicious food.


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