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 Broken Bow of the Bright Moon _ Tarot Diviner
Bright Moon Broken Bow _ Tarot Divination
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Shendao Sauce: 6.24 Spiritual Fortune Guide

(2021-06-23 23:37:09)





Classification: Interesting divination prediction

Text/Tarot Master's Moon Broken Bow

If it needs to be reproduced, please do not mark the original, and sign the author's name and Shendao sauce


When you are busy every day, do you feel tired and want to be pacified and guided?

The daily spiritual guidance will be passed on to everyone. The daily Mayan totem guidance will be drawn, and personal "oracle card" guidance will be drawn today.

You can compare today's "Mayan Totem Guidance" and draw your own "Oracle Card Guidance" every day and act according to the guidance.

Hold on for a while, and you will find your heart is full of power again. It seems that life has become positive!

Ps, I don't know whether you have found that the content of the daily guide has been improved~In the next year, we will follow the message of the nature's whispering oracle card, let the energy of nature accompany us, and give us new strength and inspiration!


[Maya Totem Guide]

If you have time today, you can also paint today's totem, which will have a certain healing effect and bring good luck~

Totem of today: yellow man of planet kin192

Guidance: Today you are very free and easy to indulge yourself and do what you have always wanted to do. Therefore, good mood is very important for you. Because if you have too many negative emotions in your heart, it is easy to be trapped by emotions and take adverse actions, which will lead to results you do not want to see. So for you today, it is important to pay attention to regulating your mood!

[Divine Instruction Card]

Rule: Keep your heart quiet, and recite 6.24 in your heart. What is the guide given to me by the nature oracle card? Choose one of the following four cards according to your feeling. Remember not to choose deliberately or repeatedly. After selecting, turn down to check the answer.












Option 1: Laughter

Guidance: Laughter is the best way to heal and clear up negative emotions. Today, you need to smile more. You can even take a moment to watch some jokes or see something that makes you laugh. Remember to remind yourself to smile more, then any negative emotions will leave you.

Select 2: Illumination

Guidance: In your life, you need a person or thing that can illuminate your world and the road ahead. But today this thing will come into your life. It may be something or something. Please pay more attention, you can find him!

Option 3: Keep your dreams alive

Guidance: Draw this card to remind you that you need to stick to your dream! Do you remember what your dream is? If you forget something, take some time to find him again. If you still remember your dream clearly, take a moment to sort out how you can achieve it, and then move forward.

Option 4: You are worth it

Guidance: Please remind yourself today that "I deserve it". You have always been an excellent person, and you deserve everything you want. If you can say something or are not confident, please remind yourself "I can" at any time! As long as you firmly believe in yourself, even if there are some waves on the road, you can get through it. Your belief is your greatest victory.


Daily guidance can not only help you find the direction today, but also give you some warnings or reminders. Perhaps these suggestions seem ordinary, but as long as you take action and do it, you will see the significance of the period and see that your life is changing.


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