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What should I do if the child is distracted? 20 suggestions for parents

(2020-08-14 06:37:28)


Classification: parenting classes
one Establish a support system. Children's inattention will have higher requirements for parents in educating children. Parents can find a reliable expert to provide advice when there are problems. This person can be an expert in learning problems, a child psychologist, a psychological consultant, a social worker, a school tutor or a pediatrician. The title of this expert is not so important. What is important is that he has enough knowledge of children's attention, has been with children with attention deficit disorder, understands children's education, and can speak frankly. Keep in touch with your parents to make sure you are working towards the same goal.
two Understand your limitations and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. As a parent, no one can ask you to become an expert on attention deficit disorder. If you need help, you may as well ask someone for help.
three Ask the child how to help him. Attention deficit children have strong intuition. As long as you ask, they can tell you under what conditions his learning effect is best. They are often embarrassed to tell you, because their methods may be strange. Sit down with your child and ask him how to achieve the best learning effect.
four Pay attention to the emotional problems in the learning process. These children especially need the help of others, so that they can feel the fun, sense of achievement and excitement in the classroom, instead of being surrounded by failure, frustration, boredom or fear. It is important to pay attention to children's learning emotions.
five Please remember that these children need organization. Their inner world lacks organization. We need to provide them with external organization, such as making a list. When they feel lost, lists can be very helpful. They need reminding, they need preview, they need repetition, they need guidance, they need boundaries, they need organization.
six Write down the rules, post them and repeat the instructions. Let children know clearly what the rules are, and they will be more comfortable. If you have any instructions, write them down, say them out and repeat them. They need to listen several times.
seven , often looking at him. You can use attention to get children's attention. If you often do this, children who daydream will come back to their senses because of your gaze. Allow him to ask questions or give him silent support.
eight Establish restrictions. This is not punishment, but help. It should be consistent, informed in advance, reasonable and clear, not complicated, and not like a lawyer to discuss fairness. These long speeches will only make him more confused about the situation. You have to decide.
nine Try to fix the time. Stick a timetable on his desk, and form a habit. If there is any change, he must be reminded and prepared in advance. Children with insufficient attention are difficult to adapt to sudden changes, and they will become anxious. Pay special attention to the preparation in advance, announce what will be done, and then remind again and again.
ten Pay attention to the quality of homework rather than the quantity. Attention deficit children need to reduce their homework, as long as they learn the concept, don't ask too much. They still have to spend a lot of time studying, but don't let them be buried in the homework pile. If necessary, we can discuss with the school teacher to adjust the workload.
eleven Check his progress at any time. Attention deficit children need someone to keep an eye on their progress, which will help them keep going. Let him know clearly what to do and how much to do, which will be an encouragement to him.
twelve Break down large projects into many small ones. This is one of the most important skills for teaching children with attention deficit. The big project left them at a loss. He would think, "I can never do it!" After the big project was broken down into many small projects, each step would be easier, and the children would not be at a loss. Generally speaking, these children can do more, but they don't think so. They just think they can't. After the work is broken down, teachers and parents can prove to the child that he can do it. This is especially important for young children, which can avoid the damage caused by setbacks. For older children, we can encourage them not to give up their efforts.
thirteen Be careful not to over stimulate him. Children who are inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive are likely to be overexcited like a fire in an oil pan. At this time, you need to put out a fire immediately.
fourteen Find out his successful experience and point it out to him. These children have too many failed experiences. They need successful experiences, and the more the better. I have repeatedly stressed that the more praise these children give, the better. They love to be praised, and the more they are valued, the more ambitious they will be; Without encouragement, you will lose. The lethality of insufficient attention is not great, but the lethality of accompanying problems is great. So, try to encourage and praise them.
fifteen These children have poor memory. You can teach them to use notes and cards. Their "current memory" is poor. "Active memory" is proposed by Dr. Mel Lavin, a child development expert, and refers to the information available in our brains. Try any method that can help you remember, such as making songs or rhyming poems.
sixteen Simplify instructions, choices and schedules. The simpler the conversation, the easier it is to understand. You can use lively and vivid language. Just like using colored strokes to draw key points, lively and vivid language will also catch his attention.
seventeen Draw key points. Teach them to draw the key points. Children with insufficient attention will not grasp the key points. Once they learn it, it will be very helpful and will make their learning more planned. These help will make children feel in control of their own learning without feeling out of control or helpless.
eighteen If the child is not good at interpreting social signals, such as body language, tone and timing, try to provide specific and clear guidance to help him do social training. Many children with attention deficit disorder are considered selfish. In fact, they just don't know how to interact with people. For these children, interaction skills are not innate and need learning and training.
nineteen Encourage sports. Whether adults or children, sports, especially intense sports, are good training methods. Exercise can release excess physical strength, improve concentration, stimulate the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters, and is beneficial to improving attention. Some interesting sports are suggested, such as volleyball or football in group activities, swimming, skipping or jogging in individual sports.
twenty Pay attention to the wonderful moments. These children are very talented, creative, playful, energetic and full of humor. They are tenacious and can always recover from the blow. They are energetic and like to help. They often have some "special ability" to add color to the surrounding environment. Please remember that their chaos has its own highlights, which are just waiting for us to discover. Give children more praise, touch, affirmation, encouragement and love.   Health education


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