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Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

(2021-06-24 16:13:47)

summer palace

Wenchang Institute

Classification: travels

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake Walking around the Summer Palace 10— East bank of Kunming Lake

From the Yelu Chucai Temple to the south is Wenchang Pavilion, which is the most prominent building on the east bank of Kunming Lake. summer palace There are six city passes, and Wenchang Pavilion is the largest one. It was built in the 15th year of Qianlong's reign( one thousand seven hundred and fifty )In 1860, it was burned down by the British and French Allied Forces. It was rebuilt at the time of Guangxu. The main pavilion has two floors, where copper is used to cast Emperor Wenchang, Fairy Boy and Copper Special. Wenchang Pavilion and Longevity Shanxi Gongwu Sage's symbol of cloud eaves Cultural Relics Deputy Prime Minister

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake
  There is a large courtyard in the east of Wenchang Pavilion, namely Wenchang Courtyard. This used to be the imperial dining room of Emperor Guangxu. After the Republic of China, it gradually became deserted and decadent. In order to further explore the cultural connotation of the Summer Palace, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight In, the Royal Garden Museum, which is the largest and highest grade of Chinese classical gardens, was built here. Entering Wenchang Hall, you can see that all the palaces, verandas, screen walls, plaques, painted pillars and carved beams, as well as the bronze lions at the door, all follow the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its shape and momentum are like a wonderful palace building in the royal garden that has been sealed for a long time.   Now you can visit for free with your old age card.

  There are six special exhibition halls in the museum, including bronze ware, jade ware, porcelain, gold and silver ware, bamboo and wood horn ware, lacquer ware, furniture, calligraphy and painting, ancient books, enamel, clocks and watches, and miscellaneous items.   Due to the specific royal environment of the Summer Palace, these works of art represented the best level of craftsmanship at that time, and many treasures were national treasures at that time; Some court articles of daily use in the Qing Dynasty, which are closely related to the life of emperors and empresses, have outstanding historical value and are the most authentic material evidence of Chinese royal culture.

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

There are not many buildings on the east bank of Kunming Lake. The most famous is the Spring Pavilion.   The Zhichun Pavilion with double eaves and steep roof is bright and beautiful, and the wooden bridge connecting the two islands and the towering Wenchang Pavilion , forming a group of fresh landscapes with harmonious water and land. From the overall perspective of the garden, for example Kunming Lake Or looking out from the west embankment, This group of landscape makes the skyline in the northeast of the lake full and rich, and looks thick in the sparseness. This pavilion and the north Yulan Hall Rixi Jialou Waterwood self parent The buildings close to the lake form a quiet harbor, which adds a kind of friendly atmosphere to the water surface of the vast front lake of Kunming Lake. The pavilion plays a very prominent role in scenic spots.

And the viewing function of Zhichun Pavilion is more outstanding and irreplaceable. It provides visitors with an excellent perspective to view the whole park from afar. On the pavilion, you can look around on three sides from an extremely broad arc, the verdant Longevity Hill and Foxiang Pavilion in the north, the beautiful Long Beach in the west, and Yuquan Mountain , Western Mountain Lanying, Dragon King Temple in the south Seventeen hole bridge Can be seen at a glance. This design is really creative.

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake
      Not far from Wenchang Pavilion, I saw summer palace Erlong Gate Ancient bridge. This is an inconspicuous bridge, which is located on the east side of the road less than 100 meters south of Wenchang Pavilion in the Summer Palace.   Erlong Gate It is commonly known as Dongzha in the Qingyi Garden period, so it is called Erlong Gate It should be relative Qinglong Gate (North Gate). There is a modern sluice at the southeast corner of Anhe Bridge, Qinglong Bridge, which was built in the 1960s Its function is flood diversion and waterlogging drainage. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a flood diversion gate here. At the gate, there was a double hole stone bridge which was suspected to be built in the Yuan Dynasty, named Qinglong Bridge. The name of Qinglong Bridge village should be derived from this. There are houses on the gate bridge for people watching the gate to live in. The gate bridge is suspected to be built by Guo Shoujing who led Changping Baifu Spring into the West Sea.  

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake

 Walk around the Summer Palace 10 - East Bank of Kunming Lake



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