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 Huzhou Qian Suwei
Huzhou Qian Suwei
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Live broadcast of "King of Stomach" should be stopped

(2020-08-13 16:37:54)

King of Big Stomach

live broadcast

Classification: review
 Live broadcast of "King of Stomach" should be stopped
Yangcheng Evening News on August 13, 2020
Qian Suwei
 Live broadcast of "King of Stomach" should be stopped
According to the statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 1/3 of the world's food is consumed and wasted every year, with a total of about 1.3 billion tons every year. At least 820 million of the world's 7633 million people are facing hunger, which is equivalent to one in every nine people in the world. Now some so-called big stomach kings eat the broadcast show, which is even more wasteful. Some even spit out the food after eating... Cherish the food and refuse to waste it! (August 12, Pengpai News Network)
Today, there are a variety of live broadcast projects that dazzle people. For example, live broadcast is not uncommon on the major live broadcast platforms. The so-called "King of the Big Stomach" competition, which is more and more fierce, has even become a regular competition project on some live broadcast platforms. This "skill" of "the King of Stomach" certainly has little value in itself. If it is a bit "valuable" - it is just "ornamental value" aimed at "attracting traffic", and such "ornamental value" is clearly against public order and good customs.
The so-called "King of the Stomach" competition is considered to be wasteful. Originally, no matter what food you eat, it should be a kind of enjoyment. Now, the "King of Stomach" gulps down with a huge bowl, almost as little as suffering. Food is improper and food is wasted, which is not only against the traditional values of Chinese people, but also against the national conditions. Some of the "big stomach king"'s "performances" even cheat - the food they eat into their mouths is actually vomited, but it was edited out in post production, which of course is even more abominable.
The so-called "king of big stomach" eats food competitively, which is of course unscientific. No matter what kind of food you eat, this "gulping down" way of eating is harmful to your health. Even if there is no accident, eating too much and too quickly is against the basic knowledge of physiological health, and will inevitably cause more or less harm to your body. In fact, many of the so-called competitions nowadays are mostly jokes about science and law, and it is not uncommon for accidents to be caused by them.
As the ancients said, one porridge and one meal are hard won; Half a silk, half a thread, and constantly thinking about material difficulties. Especially now, the food crisis has always hung over human beings like the sword of Damocles. With the continuous spread of the COVID-19 epidemic worldwide, coupled with extreme weather and locust plague, many countries have food crises. We should cherish food and put an end to waste. Therefore, this kind of live broadcast of the "King of the Stomach", which runs counter to cherishing food, should be stopped.


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