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 Zhu Shaoxuan
Zhu Shaoxuan
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The husband cheated, and the weak girl asked for help!

(2020-08-13 14:41:35)


Classification: Emotional ramble

        ... I am a weak woman. Before marriage, I was confident that with my gentleness, I would bring happiness to my husband, who would also cherish our love and marriage more under my gentleness. However, the reality after marriage completely broke my original dream, and my little pride was ripped to pieces with my husband's ruthless hands.

        My husband began to have affairs five years after we got married. At that time, we were still young, and I didn't know how to deal with such things. In order to keep the house dirty, I always tried to bear the humiliation, try my best to tell my husband well, and pray that he would not go too far and not destroy our good family. However, my husband shows little sign of change. Sometimes I often think: Is it because I did a bad job? Is there something wrong with me? But after thinking about it, I couldn't find out where I was wrong. I could only blame my husband for all my sins. However, I love my husband. I don't want to give up this family and marriage so easily. However, I don't know what I should do to stop my husband's step of deviating, and how I can retrieve his drifting heart.

        The above is a message from a netizen. According to this netizen's request, after thinking for a long time, I decided to reply to this strange netizen with the following text:

        Some women always try their best to control their husbands, and always want to prevent their husbands from cheating in the way they think smart, but it has little effect. Even because their preventive measures are improper, not only can they prevent their husbands from cheating, but they will push their husbands to other people's arms and finally break with themselves.

        So, what kind of preventive measures will have a better effect? I would like to invite all women to think about a few questions:

          First: Do you love her? I have said many times that if you want to get the love of others, especially the love of your lover, you must also give love yourself. Only if you love your husband sincerely, can he return to you and avoid empathy. If you are sometimes cold or hot, or simply have frequent affairs, it is really strange that your husband does not cheat. You should love sincerely.

        Second: Are you high quality? If you want your husband to love you, it is not enough just to have a love. You also need to see whether you are worthy of his love. Therefore, it is an absolutely important thing to cultivate yourself, improve your comprehensive quality, improve your self-restraint, and improve your taste. When you have a higher internal quality and taste, your husband will appreciate you more and won't be easily seduced by the women around you.

        Third: Can you dress up? We often say that the most beautiful thing is the soul, and the beauty of the soul is the most valuable beauty. However, we do not reject the external beauty. Both men and women will appreciate and praise a beautiful and handsome opposite sex from the bottom of their hearts. This is especially true between husband and wife. A woman should also pay attention to her appearance consciously, pay attention to her dress and dress appropriately, and make her husband look more pleasing to the eyes. If a man is faced with a slovenly woman every day, he can't love her even if he wants to, won't the chance of love be higher? Of course, there is also a need to dress up. Dress appropriately and don't be too flashy. If you show off your charm, a decent man is no different from dealing with monsters. If you are disgusting to you, you may naturally have a perverse attitude towards others.

        Fourth: Can you claim power? Many women like to be a "housekeeper" and train their husbands to be "hen pecked". Especially for their husbands' salary, they always want to hold the financial power firmly in their hands. They foolishly think that as long as they grasp the "economic lifeline", their husband's life will be in their own hands, and they can stop him from indulging in debauchery. In fact, this is a big mistake. If you can only control the stability of your family and love by taking charge of the financial power of your family, then you must not drag your husband's wallet too tightly, you can control it from the macro perspective, and you should give him freedom from the micro perspective! If the husband has no freedom at all, how can he be convinced? The money he earns from hard work should be controlled by you. Is there any reason?! He wants to have a drink with his friends, but he doesn't have any money. Can he live on? If he can't live without justice, he will look for a free world and seek understanding from others! The chances of cheating will also increase.

        Fifth: Can you be jealous? The world is open everywhere, and it is inevitable for men and women to work together. If your husband is of the opposite sex, you must not be jealous, but also not too jealous. The so-called "a little vinegar" means that you should properly understand whether your husband is too close to them. If he is too close, you should timely remind him (remember: the reminder here is very particular, you must not be less important, you must be a little jealous, but also show your trust in your husband!). If your husband and the opposite sex have normal working relationships, you should never be nervous. I have heard a story: a female director came to the office of a factory, and the wife of the factory director felt bad. When she saw her husband talking to the director, she thought it was ambiguous. When she heard her husband and the director calling, she also thought there was a ghost. If she accidentally found that the director sent her husband a message with a bit of silence, it would be devastating. She would never give up until she got fired with her husband. The husband couldn't stand it, so he had to let the female director transfer. However, how could I not communicate with my colleagues? Later, the factory director came into contact with the female director, who happened to be discovered by the factory director's wife. It was very chaotic. The final result is that the factory director really doesn't care about his wife's feelings. You can do what you like! Forcing her husband to cheat is the last masterpiece of the factory director's wife. If my wife didn't become so jealous, how could this end.

        Sixth: Are you always too soft hearted? From the words of this netizen, we can guess that she may be too soft towards her husband. Excessive softness is an irresponsible indulgence. When it's time to make a move, you should be strict with your husband and show him reason and affection. Otherwise, my husband won't be half afraid of you. It's strange that he doesn't go his own way!

        Feminine beauty is a major feature of women and needs to be carried forward. However, weakness and gentleness are two different things, and women do not need to learn to be weak.


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