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This position needs a Zhongyang to boost market confidence

(2020-08-14 11:50:52)

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In the morning, the two cities maintained a weak shock trend. The opening market, led by the big science and technology and big military industry sectors, once saw an upward drive. However, the funds received in the session were not strong. In addition, the vaccine and pharmaceutical stocks continued to fall. The market rose and fell, which was still a weak shock trend.

The current situation of the market is that after the sharp fall on Wednesday, there is a temporary stop signal on Thursday, but the short position still has an aftereffect, and the strength accumulated by the long position is not enough, so the market shows a choppy rhythm. The key to the strength and weakness of the short-term market is whether there can be a strong variety to lead the market. In the early market, big technology and big military industry once led the market to rise, but because there is still a big difference in funds, it ended in failure for the time being. In the afternoon, we will focus on whether it can rise again. This position really needs a Zhongyang to boost market confidence.


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