[wiki] Cynics

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Cynics (Greek: κυνισμός; English: Cynicism) is a philosophy school in ancient Greece, founded by Socrates' student Antigini, whose adherents are called cynics (Greek: Κυνικοί; Latin: Cynici; English: Cynics). This school negates society and civilization, advocates returning to nature, being pure hearted and devoid of desires, and disdains worldly splendor and wealth; It is close to Chinese Taoism that requires people to restrain themselves and be independent. The most famous cynic is Diogenes, a disciple of Antisinia.

Since there is no ready-made corresponding vocabulary in Chinese, cynicism in mainland China is often understood as "cynicism, cynicism, cynicism".

School establishment
In his later years, Antigini lost confidence in philosophy. He gave up the life mode of the upper class, lived a simple life, and hoped that Greece would return to the primitive society without being restricted by various customs and regulations.

Origin of names
Cynics (Greek: Κυνικοί) The root of comes from Greek: κύων, It means dog. [1]

There are two explanations for the origin of the name, or that the founder of the school, Antigini, once made a speech in a playground called Cynosarges, or that the people of the school lived simply and existed like dogs, and were called "dogs" by other schools at that time [source request].

In modern times, the word "cynicism" has a derogatory meaning in the West, which means the attitude and behavior of distrust of human sincerity and indifference to the pain of others [original research?].

basic thought
The cynic school takes "virtue self-sufficiency" as the ultimate goal, and emphasizes the cultivation of independent spirit and tenacious efforts. Therefore, it rejects all luxuries and comforts, as well as the tricks and tricks brought by civilization, but also bears hunger and humiliation [2]: 215. The main dogma of cynicism is that people should get rid of secular interests and pursue the only good worth having. Cynic Confucianists believe that true happiness is not based on the fleeting advantages of the external environment. Everyone can get happiness, and once they have it, they will never lose it. One need not worry about his own health, nor about the pain of others. The Stoicism after the Cynic Confucianism had a profound influence.

Late changes
With the popularity of cynicism, the connotation of cynicism has undergone subtle and fundamental changes. The early cynics despised secular ideas according to their own moral principles; Late cynics still despise secular ideas, but they lose their own moral principles.

Therefore, late cynics generally have the idea that since there is no nobility, there is no meanness. Since nothing is impossible, nothing is impossible. The result of this idea is that the total negation of the secular world becomes the total acceptance of the secular world, and often the shameless acceptance of the worst part of the secular world. Thus, cynicism becomes "cynicism".
An example about the cynic Deleux [1] [Permanent failure link], a rich man gave him a sum of money, he accepted it, and said to the rich man: "You generously gave me alms, and I happily took it from you, neither bending your knees nor nagging."


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