• Essay January 19, 2016

     Essay January 19, 2016

    I think it's a lot worse. Today, I came back from a rather unlucky place, and many things got tangled up. It was relatively smooth, but it was still boring. I saw in the group that the teacher said someone was good at it (Mimeng, actually called it Weimeng, and I read it again just now), so I went to see it on the Internet. I didn't have much impression of other people, but I just remembered that he (she) was in a good mood, and he (she) was very good

  • Random notes

     Random notes

    It seems that communication is always necessary. It's hard to avoid being distracted when outsiders talk too much. It's like slipping back from a cliff when you think about yourself. Tonight is joyful, perhaps because of the lucky crescent moon, perhaps because my heart is more secure. I have a lot of times to be stupid. Think about it, it's always worth it. In the dream, it will be better.

  • John Donne's sermon

     John Donne's sermon

    No one is an isolated island, and everyone is a part of the vast continent. If the waves wash away a rock, Europe will decrease. As a headland loses a corner, as your friend or your own territory loses a piece. Everyone's death is my sorrow, because I am a human being. So don't ask for whom the bell tolls

  • Nest logic

     Nest logic

    In economics, there is an indispensable basic assumption: everyone's any behavior is for their own best interests. But a person who smokes, drinks or jumps off a building is harmful to his own body. If we say that smoking, drinking or jumping off a building is to "maximize our own interests", that is the logic of condoms. Under that assumption, any behavior is counted in it, so that

