Inverted Pyramid

The form of first important and then secondary order
zero Useful+1
The inverted pyramid structure is based on news value The size of, that is News Facts The importance, freshness, and interest of the readers of the news are written in turn. Because this structural pattern is heavy at the front and light at the back, with large top and small bottom, it is called "inverted pyramid". It's a traditional Message structure Form, produced in the 1860s American Civil War Period. U.S.A University of Nevada journalism William Metz, an expert, once said when talking about the background of the emergence of this structural form: "Previously, journalists were Chronological order When reporting events, the writer writes the latest development at the end of the news. But during the Civil War, journalists sent most of their manuscripts back to the newspaper office by telegraph. At that time, the telegraph was a new invention and was not reliable. It sometimes breaks down, or is cut off by the enemy, or occupied by the army first. Any situation may interrupt the news being distributed by the reporter. It turns out that the Latest news It was too late to publish it in the newspaper of the day. In order to avoid unpredictable events, reporters began to put the most important news at the front, so that the newspaper could receive as much as possible Latest news 。” [1]
Chinese name
Inverted Pyramid
"Inverted triangle" structure
Sequential structure
Order of first importance and then secondary importance
American Civil War And the use of telegrams


It puts the most important facts in front of it in the descending order of the importance of the facts or the concern of the audience, and then puts the facts in the inverted order of their importance Pyramid Or inverted triangle , hence the name. Write down a paragraph Write only One fact, all statements,
Inverted Pyramid


Inverted Pyramid [2] come of American Civil War And the use of telegrams. During the war, when the telegraph service was just put into use, journalists' manuscripts were transmitted by telegraph. However, due to the immaturity of the telegraph technology and the temporary military requisition, manuscripts were sometimes not completely transmitted and were often interrupted. Later, journalists came up with a new method of publishing manuscripts: write the results of the war in the first place, and then write them down according to the importance of the facts, The most important is written at the front. later New York Times One of the editors "inverted" the key content to the beginning of the article, which is the beginning of the guide in the inverted pyramid. By 1880, the introduction was News Writing The inverted pyramid structure also came into being.


Can write quickly. Don't dwell on structure.
You can edit and delete the last paragraph quickly without affecting the full text.
You can read quickly without having to read from beginning to end.
This advantage is in line with the characteristics of "fast" news, so the inverted pyramid structure continued to be preserved and popularized after the war.


Lack of literary talent, vitality, and personality, epilogue It is not forceful but forceful.
The main body of the inverted pyramid structure message is Introduction The end of the inverted pyramid structure message is optional. If there is something to add, or the following notice, a short end can also be added.
Inverted pyramid press release example:
China News Service Beijing On September 5, the highest award for young and middle-aged journalists in China, "Fan Changjiang News Award", was awarded in 2007 Every two years. The reporter learned from the press conference held today by the Foundation of the China Federation of Journalists and the Fan Changjiang News Prize that Young and middle-aged professional journalists over 55 can participate in the selection. The selection scope includes newspapers and newsletters officially approved for registration News editors, journalists, broadcasters (including program hosts) of news agencies, radio stations, news and current affairs publications, news films and other units People) and professionals engaged in journalism theory research and journalism education. The first "Fan Changjiang News Award" can select at most 10 editors, and whether there is a nomination award remains to be determined. The selection results will be Published in the first quarter. It is reported that the method for overseas journalists to participate in the selection will be formulated separately. Mu Qing, Chairman of Fan Changjiang News Award Foundation and President of Xinhua News Agency, was appointed as the director of the selection committee. The selection committee is composed of media experts And celebrities.


The economic "inverted pyramid" is an important concept first proposed by Jonathan Tenenbaum, a German economist. Tenenbaum believes that Modern market economy In any country or region Economic financialization The value of can form an inverted pyramid structure, which is divided into four levels. The first level is the physical form at the bottom of the pyramid Physical products It is commodity and real service trade The third layer is stocks, bonds commodity futures Etc; The top layer is a completely virtual financial derivative. The inverted pyramid structure has its strict rules of composition and operation. In general, the growth of the upper part of the inverted pyramid structure is much higher than the growth of the lower part. The growth of the entire inverted pyramid structure is nonlinear, maintaining a stable growth ratio.
The economic "inverted pyramid" refers to a country that Value form Mode existing financial instruments In the process of increasing the ratio of total value to total economic output Virtual assets Scale is greater than Actual assets Scale, virtual assets and real assets Asymmetry Of inversion Pyramid structure. fictitious economy The theory believes that the existence of the "inverted pyramid" is a normal reflection of economic virtualization. However, since the 1980s, the trend of the inverted pyramid being top heavy has become more prominent. This phenomenon should arouse our attention, and we should pay attention to dealing with the currency, virtual economy and Real economy Relationship, maintaining Macroeconomy Stability to ensure national financial security.
In physical form, resources are the mother of industry, and all industrial products are inseparable from the support of resources; In terms of value form, resources are the son of industry Value compensation It is inseparable from the payment of rent by the industry. The problem is that the derailed notes no longer follow Law of value The value compensation of resources is no longer only the path of industrial rent payment. Paper money can flow directly to the resource field, and it is possible to arrive before the industrial field, and it is possible to gather more paper money chips in the resource field than in the industrial field. So the pyramid stood upside down.