How about Huawei's laptops now? Is it worth buying?

How about Huawei's laptops now? Is it worth buying?
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Huawei has too many sailors, mobile phone sure. Notebook is really not recommended. It is not cost-effective.
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Hello! After reading your comments, I think you have some understanding of Huawei notebooks. I also want to buy a Huawei laptop, but I don't know which one to use. I specifically use it in CAD and picture making. I saw it and hope to introduce one
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Less than 10 times of use, the battery has been charged very hot, and the password has not been memorized, so the battery can not be charged. I went to repair it and said that the USB charging port was broken. The charging port must be connected to the motherboard and the motherboard must be replaced. 5780, 6970, 10 times of use, 5780, difficult to repair
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The Matebook notebook is very beautiful, thin, and looks very advanced. The boot speed is super fast. Huawei integrated the fingerprint into the power key, so it does not need to press the fingerprint again when it is turned on. About 45 seconds to the desktop. Super fast! The screen resolution is very high and looks very comfortable. And the 3:2 screen is very suitable for browsing the web. Touch is basically useless, but as an auxiliary input means, it is better than none. The keyboard is also OK. It is more comfortable in the slim version.
 How about Huawei's laptops now? Is it worth buying?

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Huawei's computers are really good-looking and have a sense of texture. I don't have high requirements for computers. I don't play games. I mainly deal with files. I have compared XPS, but I am still impressed by Huawei's appearance. Touch screen is easy to use! I feel I can save the mouse! It's really nice! Very advanced appearance! Very satisfied.
 How about Huawei's laptops now? Is it worth buying?

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I think Huawei laptops are OK. First of all, their appearance is OK, and their workmanship is also good. Personally, I think they are very good. It is also light and thin, so it is convenient to carry anything when going out. The important thing is that there is nothing wrong with it. This is the most important thing.

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I think it's worth buying. I bought one before. Although Huawei has just made a laptop, I'm very satisfied with its quality and appearance. There are no problems with it. It's functional and inexpensive. I think it's worth it.

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Huawei notebooks are characterized by fine workmanship and high appearance, which are suitable for office users with high requirements for workmanship and appearance.

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