Xi Jinping, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, sent a message congratulating the moon exploration project Chang'e-6 mission on its complete success

At 14:7 on June 25, the Chang'e-6 spacecraft landed safely in the Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, with lunar samples from the back of the moon. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent a congratulatory message, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, to extend warm greetings to the Chang'e 6 mission headquarters of the lunar exploration project and all comrades participating in the mission

Xi Jinping will attend the 70th Anniversary Conference of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: President Xi Jinping will attend the commemoration meeting of the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and deliver an important speech.

Study hard | On scientific and technological innovation General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that science and technology are self reliant

Self reliance and self-improvement in science and technology is the foundation of national prosperity and the key to security.

The Party Committee of the autonomous region held a study, publicity and implementation of the whole region

General Secretary of the Autonomous Region Party Committee Standing Committee (Enlarged) Meeting Special Communication Study

The General Office of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region printed and distributed a notice on the in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the General

Ningxia successfully held the 2024 college students' "love my national defense" speech contest

Solidly promote the common prosperity of people of all ethnic groups

Ningxia constructs a new pattern of "big ideological and political courses" to educate people

·  The Autonomous Region Party Committee Propaganda Department will publicly select civil servants in 2024

·  The special fund for the development of national film industry in 2024 (the first batch)

·  The autonomous region's philosophy, social sciences, culture and arts youth support talent training

·  Announces the telephone number of complaints and reports on the special governance of rural high value betrothal gifts

·  In 2024, the Publicity Department of the Party Committee of the autonomous region will publicly select civil servants and pass the examination

Civilization cultivation

12 schools in Yinchuan were awarded "National Defense Education Demonstration School"

On June 25, 12 primary and secondary schools in Yinchuan City were jointly awarded the honorary title of "National Defense Education Demonstration School" by the Ministry of Education and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission. The awarding ceremony was held at Helan No. 2 Middle School.

More than 6000 copies of fire safety education books were sent to Yongning County campus

On June 24, Yongning Brigade of Yinchuan Fire Rescue Detachment, "Blue Friend" turned into "Blue Teacher", and cooperated with Yongning County Education Bureau to send 60 students to Yongning No. 4 Middle School and Yongning No. 1 Primary School

Yanchi County Red Cross Society to carry out unpaid blood donation and hematopoietic stem

Voluntary blood donation is a lofty cause to promote social civilization and a popular project that concerns the health of the people. Through this activity, we will popularize the knowledge of free blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation and other related knowledge to the masses

Ningxia: "Caring Mom" empowers the whole region to care

In order to further deepen the care service for children in distress, promote the "loving mothers" to help and serve the healthy and happy growth of children in distress, the Ningxia Women's Federation opened the

Wuzhong City defends the catering industry with "three major promotion actions"

In recent days, Wuzhong Market Supervision Bureau has carried out a special rectification action for catering food safety, focusing on the "three major improvement actions" of catering quality and safety, catering service quality, and citizens' civilized quality, and further improving

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the 2

In order to widely practice the core socialist values, give full play to the exemplary role of good faith, vigorously promote the culture of good faith, actively promote the construction of good faith, and continue to promote honesty, trustworthiness, and fulfillment of commitments

Civilization creation

A Summary of the Propaganda, Ideology and Culture Work in Wuzhong City

One by one, the Party's innovative theory is spread among the cadres and the masses through vigorous theoretical propaganda; News reports stained with soil and dewdrops show Wu Zhong's vivid practice of high-quality development; Little by little, the shining moral star lights up the city's civilization; One

Yinchuan: Culture benefits people, and people's life is full of flavor

We have carried out 3160 public cultural activities, more than 2000 public service trainings, and 20 new cultural spaces... Since this year, Yinchuan has continuously innovated the content of art popularization for the whole people, vigorously promoted the work of art popularization for the whole people, with the goal of "covering the whole region, popularizing the whole population, and promoting the whole period of time..."

Pingluo County Library was awarded "National First Class Library"

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China issued the Notice of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Publishing the List of Libraries Rated and Ranked in the Seventh National Assessment of Public Libraries at or above the County Level. Pingluo County Library was rated as the "National First level Library" and became the only first level library at the county level in Shizuishan City.

Yanchi County Meteorological Bureau: Civilization Blooms, "Meteorology" Is New

In recent years, Yanchi County Meteorological Bureau has focused on moral construction and professional ethics construction, constantly improved the civilized quality of cadres and workers and the level of industrial civilization by strengthening internal quality and shaping external image

Lishi Village, Longde County

It is reported that there are 332 elderly people over 60 years old in Lishi Village, 67 of whom live alone and are semi disabled. In order to effectively provide the elderly with convenient and affordable basic elderly care services, Li Shicun closely focuses on the needs of rural elderly care, housekeeping services, spiritual comfort, cultural entertainment, etc

Xinbao Town, Zhongning County: changing customs "small incision" boosts the rural style "great civilization"

At the beginning of this year, when Dong Liang, a villager in Liumiao Village, Xinbao Town, Zhongning County, got married, the man gave a treat of 36000 yuan. He bought all the money for his daughter's dowry, and he also paid for his daughter's TV and washing machine. He used his practical actions to make his daughter's marriage begin with "love" and let the bride price be attributed to

The 18th Primary School of Xingqing District: integrity education enters the campus, civilization and fashion nourish people's hearts

In order to further promote the core socialist values and cultivate students' good morality of honesty and trustworthiness, recently, Guanhu Campus of the 18th Primary School in Xingqing District held a class meeting themed by honesty education to guide young people to establish the concept of honesty.

Yinchuan Senior High School: Music Performance Consolidates the Foundation of Civilized Campus

Recently, the piano and violin music performance of music majors in Yinchuan Senior High School was successfully held. The whole concert was enthusiastic and brought a wonderful audio-visual feast to all teachers, students and parents.

Civilized Practice Center


More than 1200 newly employed workers in Dawukou District enjoy free physical examination

Recently, the Workers' Cultural Palace in Dawukou District has become more bustling than usual, and groups of new employment workers have arrived here in succession. At the scene, more than 1200 new employment workers received free physical examination here.

Yinchuan: Spiritual civilization construction "blooms" to produce flowers and "bears" to produce fruits

In Yinchuan, civilization cultivates a new trend of self-restraint, civilization practice becomes a common practice, and civilization creation benefits the people's livelihood... From cities and towns to villages, from units to families, the scene of civilization and harmony is everywhere, and the new trend of civilization is slowly blowing, and the spring breeze turns into rain, refreshing

Litong District: "small points" give play to "big energy" to lead a new civilization practice

In order to give full play to the main role of the broad masses of the people in rural revitalization, we will mobilize and encourage Party members, the masses, and young people to actively participate in civilized practice, and achieve both spiritual and material progress. Wuzhong Litong District New Era Civilization Practice


Xixin Village, Fengdeng Town, Jinfeng District: setting an example through moral evaluation, changing customs and advocating new trends

In order to further strengthen the guidance of typical demonstration and form a strong atmosphere of changing customs in the whole village, "learning by example, acting by example and catching up with goals", on June 20, Xixin Village, Fengdeng Town, Jinfeng District held a moral appraisal meeting to carry out the demonstration of changing customs

Dawukou District: Red and White Council "lightens the burden" for human relations

In recent years, Longhui Village, Xinghai Town, Dawukou District, has actively advocated changing customs, and actively guided the masses to abandon extravagance and waste, break old conventions, and promote changing customs and new weddings and funerals by improving village rules and regulations, establishing the Red and White Council and other ways

Meng Aiming, Wenchang Town, Shapotou District: Helping others and warming the "neighborhood heart"

"He often helps us. He is very diligent in big things and small things." On June 13, the reporter came to Mingzhu Community, Wenchang Town, Shapotou District, and talked about his old neighbor Meng Aiming and 71 year old Sun Yufeng.

Moral construction

Typical characters

Winner of the 8th National Moral Model Nomination Award

Cheng Dongzhen, a key teacher of Shizuishan Second Primary School and autonomous region level, won the 8th National Moral Model Nomination Award. To get this achievement is "Don't do nothing for small things"


Sewing insole for "the cutest person" in 23 years

In the Saishang Shuixiang Community of Dawukou District, there was an 80 year old man who was affectionately called the "insole grandmother" by her neighbors. Why did she have such a "title"? It turns out that

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Wu Xuemei: Focusing on employment, taking root in pension problems

After 18 years of community work, Wu Xuemei was affectionately referred to as "being a family member" by residents of Huabanli Community, Xihuayuan Road Street, Xixia District. As the secretary of the community party committee, Xixia people


An Hongling: Enthusiastic in public welfare and helpful for others

She is a daughter, but the old man for whom she is raising the elderly has no blood relationship with her. Over the years, she has also been enthusiastic about public welfare. She is the most beautiful person in Yinchuan, Xingqing


Our festival



Minning Town: Migrants enjoy New Year pictures at their doorsteps

Under the blue sky in winter, red lanterns were hung up, and Minning Town, Yongning County, was permeated with the festive atmosphere of the New Year. In Minning Town Tourist Service Center


Lingwu City: Traditional Culture Goes into the Home of Ordinary People

"Please write a couplet for me." "Please write a couplet for me." The Spring Festival couplets with rich ink smell and sincere wishes express the old days


Yongning County "Cut" to Create New Year's Taste and Send "Fu" Home

The pace of Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and the taste of New Year is getting stronger and stronger. Recently, Yongning Tuanjie West Road Neighborhood Construction Community Organization District Youth carried out "cutting out..."

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The Lantern Festival Gala of Yinxi High speed Railway is very lively

On February 15, the 15th day of the first lunar month, Mercedes Benz was on the D3511 train on the Yinxi high-speed railway line


Blessings in the Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is coming on the 15th day of the first month. This is another grand day after the Spring Festival. People will push the celebration of the New Year to another through various ceremonies


Celebrate the festival and feel the charm of traditional culture

On February 12, the cultural and artistic block of Manpu Town, Helan Mountain, Xixia District, was decorated with lanterns and streamers. Tourists were experiencing the charm of the traditional culture of the Lantern Festival.

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Garden Community, Fuxing Street, Helan County: Tongbao Love Zong

"Sister Prayer, come and have a look. My dumplings are not tight?" "It seems that I have too much rice." "I answered the question correctly, and won another fragrance


Volunteers in Xinyin Community of Wangyuan Town wrap dumplings to send warmth

On June 6, Xinyin Community of Wangyuan Town held the activity of "Love Zong Xiang Welcoming Neighbors" to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and send warmth. The experts in the community also made dumplings on the spot


Making Zongzi and Singing Red Songs; Ziyuan Community Neighborhood Gathers to Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival

With the coming of the Dragon Boat Festival, the volunteers of Ziyuan Community New Era Civilization Practice Station in Jinfeng District, together with the People's Procuratorate of Jinfeng District, carried out the "passionate end..."

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Wang Yanzhou: The best love is to walk with you

Wang Yanzhou, 26, works in a public institution in our city. He said that she had been in love with her girlfriend for 4 years. Along the way, she made a lot of efforts in silence


Li Yuankun, the "post-80s" generation, needs a sense of ritual in life

Li Yuankun, 33, said that although he was married and had two children, this Chinese romance will continue forever.


Li Junren, the "70 Generation"

"My wife and I have been married for 21 years, and we seldom quarrel these years, because I think home is always a place for love.

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There are both ancient rhymes and new ideas. Colorful cultural activities are presented to citizens

On the evening of September 7, the special performance of Qinqiang Opera "Our Festival · Mid Autumn Festival" in Yinchuan in 2022 was held at Lijing Lake Cultural Plaza in Xingqing District.


Tie rabbit lanterns, make moon cakes... see the "fancy" of Ruyi Lake Community

"This mooncake is so delicious. It's the first time to participate in such an activity with my neighbors. The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family members to get together and eat mooncakes


Yanqingyuan Community, Daxin Town, Xingqing District: Happy Mid Autumn Festival

"The moon is bright in August and the fifteenth month. My grandpa is playing moon cakes for me. The moon cakes are round and sweet, and one piece of moon cake is a piece of heart." I am familiar with beautiful songs

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Ningxia Yinchuan "provide for the elderly" three models parallel to give

With the arrival of an aging society, pension has become a topic of concern from all walks of life. The reporter learned from Yinchuan Civil Affairs Bureau that by the end of 2020


The Double Ninth Festival is full of respect for the elderly

The most beautiful is the red sunset. October 14 is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation - the Double Ninth Festival. In order to carry forward the traditional virtue of respecting and loving the elderly, communities in Yinchuan have


Blue Mountain Mingdi Community: "Fancy" Greeting the Double Ninth Festival

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the victory song is..." On the afternoon of October 12, the new era civilization of Lanshan Mingdi Community, Beijing Middle Road Street, Jinfeng District