Revitalize the idle rural homestead and stimulate the endogenous power of rural revitalization
2024-01-10 09:08:29 Source: Research Room 1, General Office of the CPPCC Autonomous Region

Wang Chunxiu, a member of the Ningxia People's Democratic Progressive Committee and the CPPCC National Committee for Residency, said that in recent years, with the development of urbanization and the flow of urban and rural population, the problem of rural homestead vacancy has become increasingly prominent. For example, the rural housing vacancy rate in Helan County has reached more than 30%, and the housing vacancy rate in Sankeshu Village, Daba Town, Qingtongxia City has reached 80%. The homestead in some villages has been idle for a long time, many houses are old and dilapidated, the courtyard walls have collapsed, and the courtyard is overgrown with weeds. The rural homestead is idle, which forms a sharp contradiction with the shortage of high-quality cultivated land, the shortage of collective operating construction land, and the construction of beautiful countryside, which also restricts the process of rural revitalization strategy. Ningxia has carried out a series of beneficial explorations in the revitalization and utilization of rural idle homestead and rural housing, which has effectively revitalized idle assets and increased farmers' income. However, in grass-roots practice, there are still problems such as imperfect top-level design, which limits the development of the revitalization and utilization of homestead. The active utilization of homestead is a systematic work, including village planning, investigation on the current situation of rural homestead, implementation of the policy of "one house for one family", and legal use and management of homestead. The policy of linking the increase and decrease of cultivated land and construction land is not smooth, and the active utilization of idle homestead land is slow.

The overall land use planning and village layout planning of rural villages lag behind, which limits the form of active use of homestead sites.

Lack of financial policy support. At present, the main task is to activate the market independently, and the government has not issued corresponding financial support policies, which leads to low enthusiasm for grass-roots work and can not well leverage social capital to inject into the idle homestead.

The collection and storage fund for rural homestead has not been established yet, which limits the collection, storage and utilization of idle homestead to a certain extent.

It is suggested to deepen the reform of top-level design. We will accelerate the reform of the separation of ownership, qualification, and use of homestead land, and actively explore leasing, transfer, mortgage, and pricing as shares. Establish a unified increase and decrease linked indicator trading platform, explore the combination of increase and decrease linked indicators with the withdrawal of homestead and the market entry of collectively operated construction land, further optimize the structure and layout of urban and rural construction land, and improve the efficiency of land resource allocation and utilization. Further extend the research and development of working mechanisms for the approval and management of rural homestead, circulation transaction, rural "hollow house" renovation, urban and rural construction land "increase and decrease linked", rural homestead withdrawal and reclamation. Establish and improve the database system of idle homestead and houses, and implement dynamic management.

Accelerate the formulation of village planning. We will study and formulate suggestions on how to revitalize and utilize rural idle homestead and idle housing. Accelerate village planning, highlight the bottom line of revitalization and utilization, adhere to the dominant position of farmers, pay attention to the requirements of planning first, support bold innovation, active research and exploration, combine revitalization of idle homestead and idle housing with rural residential environment improvement, promote rural revitalization and other work, plan, plan and implement in a unified manner.

Strengthen policy support. Establish and improve the voluntary paid withdrawal mechanism of idle rural homestead, and explore effective ways to revitalize idle rural housing and farmland. We will encourage the introduction of social capital and the use of idle housing to develop new industries and new forms of business, such as leisure agriculture, rural tourism, catering and homestay, cultural experience, creative office, e-commerce, which are in line with rural characteristics, as well as primary, secondary and tertiary industry integration development projects, such as cold chain of agricultural products, primary processing, storage, and so on, and issue corresponding land, tax, talent and other support policies.

We will increase financial support. Actively explore financial service innovation, and launch financial credit products and service models that conform to reality. The county (district) government shall set up a rural homestead withdrawal compensation fund, and the required funds shall be included in the financial budget as a whole, which shall be used to advance the compensation funds for homestead that encourage farmers to voluntarily withdraw, as well as incentives and subsidies for the use of idle rural homestead and idle housing. If the village collective economic organization pays the homestead withdrawal compensation fund unconditionally for the time being, it can apply for borrowing the homestead withdrawal compensation fund in advance, and the village collective economic organization has the priority to repay the homestead withdrawal compensation fund through the asset income generated by the homestead transfer.  

[Editor in charge]: Bao Rui