Accelerate the development of edible fungus industry in our district
09:06:05, January 10, 2024 Source: Research Room 1, General Office of the CPPCC Autonomous Region

Ma Bo and Shen Zili, members of the Agriculture and Rural Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, and members of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the development of the edible fungus industry, and the Party committee and government of the autonomous region have taken the edible fungus industry as an important pillar of farmers' income increase and agricultural development. At present, the edible fungus industry in our region still has some problems, such as weak industrial foundation, insufficient scientific and technological support, lack of talent team, and weak product competitiveness.

It is suggested to deepen the cooperation between Fujian and Ningxia. With the advantages of Fujian's edible fungus production technology, we will closely connect "what Ningxia needs" with "what Fujian can", expand cooperation fields, improve the assistance mechanism, and improve the level of cooperation, promote the industrial cooperation of edible fungi between the two places from variety introduction and promotion, cultivation technology output to the cooperation of the whole industrial chain, and create a new path and development model for Fujian Ningxia cooperation. It is suggested to coordinate the relevant parties in Fujian with Guyuan City and Dawukou District to build a cooperation platform for edible fungus industry, support and guide the in-depth cooperation between Fujian enterprises and enterprises in our district in talent technology, production and cultivation, product research and development, market supply and marketing, and promote complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

Strengthen policy guidance. Take the edible fungus industry as the characteristic industry of the autonomous region, issue guidance on industrial development, strengthen policy and element support, and strive to create a "6+2" (six characteristic industries of wine, medlar, milk, beef cattle, Tan sheep, cold vegetables, and two key industries of potato and edible fungus) characteristic industry development pattern. Taking Guyuan City as the key area for the development of the edible fungus industry in our district, we will give preferential policies and funds, support Guyuan to accelerate the construction of the Liupanshan characteristic edible fungus industry base, build the northwest edible fungus trading center, and play a leading role in the breeding of strains, technology demonstration and other aspects. We will strive for funds for the construction project of the national digital agriculture innovation application base, build a big data platform for the development of Guyuan edible fungus industry and a full industrial chain production demonstration base, and promote the digital development of the edible fungus industry.

Strengthen scientific and technological support. Adhere to the combination of introduction, absorption, digestion and independent innovation. Strengthen research and development cooperation in edible fungi industry with national famous universities, scientific research institutes and leading enterprises, jointly build an autonomous region level scientific research center for edible fungi industry, and carry out scientific and technological breakthroughs and achievements transformation in the whole industrial chain of edible fungi. Actively coordinate and strive for national project funding support, cooperate with leading enterprises, build a national (western) edible fungus strain improvement center in Guyuan, carry out research on edible fungus seed source, solve the key seed source problem of edible fungus industry development, and provide high-quality strains for enterprises and growers.

Cultivate advantageous brands. Implement the strategy of brand strengthening agriculture, strengthen the establishment of regional public brands, and actively carry out the origin certification and trademark registration of national green food, organic products and pollution-free agricultural products. Allocate funds from special funds for agricultural product brand and market circulation construction every year, support business entities to accelerate brand construction, and support the creation of a number of "Ning Zi Hao" edible fungus brands.

Broaden financing channels. The initial investment cost of the edible fungus industry is high. It is estimated that the cost of each standard shed is between 160000 yuan and 220000 yuan, and the cost of each mushroom stick is between 2 yuan and 6 yuan. The ability of the masses to raise funds is limited, and the gap is still large after the government subsidies. It is suggested that the autonomous region should arrange special funds every year to focus on supporting the construction of major counties of edible fungus industry, edible fungus standard parks, strain breeding bases, high standard production bases, as well as technology promotion, intensive processing and other links. Establish the autonomous region's edible fungus industry development guidance fund, which is funded by the government and attracts the joint participation of relevant financial institutions, investment institutions, insurance institutions, social capital, etc., to provide financing guarantee for the healthy and rapid development of the edible fungus industry.  

[Editor in charge]: Bao Rui