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Strengthening Platform Construction and Empowering Mental Health Education
The Education, Science, Health and Sports Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region investigated the mental health of adolescents in Yinchuan
2024-05-22 09:08:37 Source: Huaxing Times

On May 21, the Education, Science, Health and Sports Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region organized some CPPCC members and heads of relevant departments to visit Ningxia Youth Activity Center (Yinchuan Youth Palace) and Xingqing District Sixth Primary School (Yongkang Campus) to investigate the mental health work of adolescents in Yinchuan.

"Ningxia (Yinchuan) 12355 Youth Service Desk implements the service mode of unified acceptance, classified disposal, online and offline combination, and graded follow-up, focusing on the aspects of psychological assistance, self-care education, legal advice, assistance for difficulties, examination and pressure relief for young people, so as to provide growth assistance and rights services for young people." At the Ningxia Youth Activity Center (Yinchuan Youth Palace), According to the relevant person in charge of Yinchuan Youth League Committee, since September 2023, the service desk has received 1227 hotlines and disposed of 92 offline cases, including 21 high-risk cases, with a completion rate of 100%.

Walking into the psychological consultation room of Xingqing District Sixth Primary School (Yongkang Campus), several fifth graders placed "works" with different themes in the same sand table. "We can analyze the students' ideas through the sand tools and shapes placed, and then conduct psychological counseling and counseling," said the counselor in the psychological counseling room. The research team affirmed this practice. Through field visits, the research team has a further understanding of the mental health work of adolescents in Yinchuan City, providing practical support for accurate advice and improving the research report in the next step. The CPPCC of the autonomous region will give play to the advantages of extensive contacts and intelligence intensive, continue to pay attention, and contribute wisdom and strength to the mental health work of adolescents in our region.

Ma Xiuzhen, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, participated in the survey. (Reporter Wu Qian)

[Editor in charge]: Bao Rui