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The Second Meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region was held
March 20, 2023 08:43:27 Source: Huaxing Times

The Second Meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region was held

Earnestly study and implement the important speech of the General Secretary and the spirit of the National Two Sessions to build a better cohesive force for the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization, beautiful new Ningxia

Chen Yong presided over and delivered a speech

On March 16, the second meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the CPPCC of the Autonomous Region was held in Yinchuan to convey and study the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he attended the relevant meetings of the NPC and CPPCC, the first meeting of the 14th National People's Congress and the first meeting of the 14th CPPCC. Chen Yong, Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The number of members of the Standing Committee who attended the meeting should be 94, but 68, which is in line with the requirement.

The meeting pointed out that this year's two sessions of the NPC and CPPCC are the first two sessions of the NPC and CPPCC held after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The election of new leaders of state institutions and the CPPCC National Committee, especially the election of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the President of the State and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, fully reflects the high unity of the will of the Party, the people and the state. The CPPCC organizations at all levels and members of the CPPCC in the whole region should take the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions as an important political task at present and in the future. According to the unified deployment of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the Two Sessions should be rapidly launched, and the study and publicity of the spirit of the Two Sessions should be constantly led to depth.

The meeting stressed that this year is the first year of the new CPPCC. It is necessary to earnestly implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the two sessions of the National People's Political Consultative Conference, follow the "12324" working ideas, highlight the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, Firmly support the theme of "two establishment" and "two maintenance"; Adhere to the two-way efforts of advice, investment and consensus building; Give full play to the three roles of the CPPCC as "an important position, an important platform and an important channel"; Complement the two weak points of the establishment of democratic supervision system and mechanism, and the establishment of a mechanism for members to connect with the masses in different sectors; Improve the "four abilities" of political mastery, investigation and research, connecting with the masses, and cooperation and cooperation, strengthen the construction of special consultation institutions, improve the level of broad consensus building, and contribute wisdom and strength to the comprehensive construction of a beautiful new socialist modernization Ningxia.

The meeting also considered and adopted the 2023 consultation plan of the CPPCC and related personnel matters. (Reporter Wang Qian)

[Editor in charge]: Bao Rui