information community file
Face contrast
The two faces are compared 1:1 to get the similarity of faces, which supports the comparison of faces in five image types: life photos, ID card photos, ID card chip photos, textured photos, and infrared black and white photos. Through the APP/H5 scheme, live detection and safety risk control functions are realized to ensure the safety of the whole process of face acquisition and recognition.
Function introduction
Function demonstration
Characteristic advantages
product price
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Function introduction
Function demonstration
Characteristic advantages
High precision identification
Face recognition technology is internationally leading, with recognition accuracy rate of more than 99%, ranking first in many international open competitions
Stable and reliable service
Relying on the technical strength of Baidu Deep Learning Lab, it provides stable and accurate large traffic services, supports millisecond level identification response, flexible high concurrency bearing and 99.99% reliability guarantee
Strong anti cheating ability
Provide 10 live detection services online/offline, support multi interactive access mode, multi frame image recognition and quality detection, and effectively resist cheating behaviors such as photos, video remakes, 3D models, etc
Online call API
The APP/H5 scheme is provided, including quality detection, live detection and safety risk control functions. The API for face comparison is called online to compare the similarity of two face images and return scores to determine whether they are the same person.
Offline identification SDK (device side)
Realize the ability of face contrast in the non network and weak network environment, and integrate it into a single hardware device with the ability of live detection, face search, etc., to meet the application scenarios such as person card verification, gate access, etc
Privatization deployment
Two privatization schemes are provided: all-in-one machine and software deployment package. 1:1 face comparison can be performed on the local server, which is suitable for intranet environment with high security level and supports distributed high concurrency business processing
product price
Face comparison API
Concurrency number
Up to 10 QPS
Adjustment amount
Free unlimited
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
According to the adjusted amount
zero point two
View details
Offline face recognition SDK (device side)
Free period of validity
3 months
Payment validity
Permanently valid
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
one hundred and nineteen
From RMB/piece
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Privatization deployment
Test validity
1 month
Formal validity period
Permanently valid
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
Business inquiry
Cooperation consulting
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique