information community file
Similar picture search
Find a picture set that is semantically similar to the retrieved picture in the self built picture database, and give a similarity score (comprehensive picture type, color, content, layout and other characteristics); It is applicable to various similar picture search and related content recommendation scenarios
Function introduction
Application case
Product advantages
product price
Related recommendations
Function introduction
Application case
Design material search
Product search and recommendation
Related content recommendation
Design material search
Find similar or identical picture works based on photos taken to meet the needs of designers and staff to find original large pictures or similar works more quickly and efficiently
Cooperation cases
Public cloud service
The cloud service interface that provides similar image search can be called directly using API or HTTP SDK
Privatization deployment
Deploy to the local server, and realize the similarity map search function in the LAN/intranet to ensure data privacy
Product advantages
Support 100 million level super large image library
The self built image library supports 100 million images to be uploaded and put into storage, realizing real-time retrieval and millisecond response for a single image
High algorithm accuracy
Based on tens of millions of training data and tens of thousands of semantic categories, conduct model training and graph base accumulation, and use accurate algorithms to iterate models to continuously improve accuracy
Service is simple and easy to use
Standardized interface encapsulation, providing rich HTTP SDKs, supporting visual image library management background, easy access and quick start
product price
Free version
Applicable to individual developers and enterprises during the test period
Free test amount
Up to 10W times
Concurrency support
Customer service response
Within 5 working days
Free use
Paid version
It is applicable to the official landing of enterprise users
Free test amount
Up to 10W times
Paid transfer amount
Concurrency support
10 QPS
Customer service response
7 * 24 hours
RMB/1000 times
Subscription payment
Custom Edition
Applicable to key customers who need special cooperation mode
Enjoy special price for key customers
Buy more QPS
Other payment mode purchase
Cooperation consulting
Pricing Instructions
After using the free test resources, you can choose two billing methods: pre paid or pay as you go. 10 QPS concurrency is guaranteed by default after purchase or subscription payment
Price Document
Instant free experience of similar image search capability
Public cloud API can enjoy up to 10W free test resources
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique