Site building tutorial


Preparation before station construction

Whether you plan to outsource the website to a website building company, or you plan to spend months and months to build it up step by step along with the tutorials. We should all get ready before we start to work, and sharpening the knife will not hurt the woodcutter. Don't always think about the need of "internationalization, atmosphere, high-end and upscale..." which can only be raised by the "big boss". This article will give you some suggestions on how to prepare "requirements" and how to prepare "content".


How to select website server and domain name

Update date: 2017-09-08 What should we do after we have prepared the website materials? We need to: purchase a domain name to purchase a server (or virtual host, space, VPS, and other similar terms). Recently, many novice students learned to "build a local site", and then did migration. A lot of problems. Personally, I don't recommend novices to do "local station building", but directly start online, which will save a lot of unnecessary [...]


How to purchase Linode

Updated on: 2017-09-08 1 Registration: enter the official LINODE website, fill in the email address (126163 and other mailboxes cannot be passed, it is better to register with gmail or corporate email), account name and password, and click create account, it will send an activation email to your registered email address. 2. Activate email: find the email activated by LINE and click co [...]


Understand the page layout structure of the website

Update date: October 9, 2017 Before we know how to use Avada specifically, we also need to understand the layout structure of the web page, which will help us understand and use Avada's Theme Options to make settings later. The website usually contains many pages, such as the website homepage, product classification page, product details page, about us, contact us, certificate and a series of pages


Introduction to Theme Options

Update date: October 14, 2017 Avada is powerful because it provides quite a few setting options, and there are more functions that can be customized without code. In version 5.2.2, there are 25 items in the first level menu of Theme Options, as shown in the following figure: Let's make some introductions to see what functions are in each item, which are commonly used, and which can be ignored: [...]


Create and set Menu

Update date: October 16, 2017 Before creating a Menu, you need to have created pages such as Page and Portfolio. In general, I recommend that before improving the content of each specific page, we first plan what pages we are going to do on our website, and first create and put them there. After the frame structure of the main body is set up, the supplementary content is the process of decoration. For example, [...]


Set Header Section

Update date: October 16, 2017 In the Header area, the main settings include: Header Layout Logo Menu (Main Menu, Top Navigation). The main settings are: Header, Menu, Logo in Theme Options and Menu [...] in Appearance


Set Page Title Bar section

Updated on October 17, 2017, refer to Page Title Bar in Introduction to Theme Options for style adjustment and setting of Page Title Bar. If "This option has a dependency for a scores [...]


Set the Sidebar section

Update date: October 19, 2017, we usually place classified navigation, contact information/forms, material download, call to action and other information in the sidebar. When planning content, we may want to focus on different pages, and their sidebar content/location may be different. Taking USEON website as an example, we distinguish different types of sidebars: [...]