themepark Gutenberg WordPress themes

Introduction to WordPress Block Theme


How to choose? The difference between WordPress block theme and classic theme

The WordPress block theme is a block theme developed by the Web Theme Park based on Gutenberg Block Editor released after WordPress 5.0

Gutenberg editor has a completely different composition from the classic editor. The block editor can use blocks for visual layout in any article and page, so it can create very rich and imaginative designs

WordPress Classic Theme
  •  WordPress classic editor writing articles Using the classic editor, editing articles is as easy as editing words
  • It is suitable for enterprise websites with relatively simple product display and relatively fixed website display structure, without too complex content
  • The framework is relatively fixed, and the operation is very simple. Only one product/news or other content needs to be edited, so there is no learning cost for later content editing
  • The framework is relatively fixed, and the content of customized pages that can be produced is limited, which is mainly limited to the combination of modules. Since the gadget module is a relatively fixed mode, the layout can only be based on the existing modules, so you need to pay attention to the modules you need when buying themes
  • See all free themes
WordPress Block Theme
  •  WordPress Block Editor Writing Articles Use Gutenberg editor to edit articles by using blocks, which can be used for image and text layout
  • It is suitable for websites with more and more complex content, which need a lot of rich typography. The structure of product display will be different, and websites with a lot of content to display
  • The framework has a very rich structure, and block combinations can have dozens of combinations. Learning block layout has a certain time cost and difficulty
  • The framework is composed of blocks, which can create unlimited structures such as general columns, double orchids, and three columns. It supports the creation of roller pages, and each article and page can have a sense of design. There is no pressure to create landing pages, join in publicity, and collect information
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Block Editor Edit a block's style PLAY VIDEO
 WordPress Block Theme Video Introduction

What is the difference between the block editor and the previous classic editor?

The classic editor is WordPress is an editor that was used at the beginning of its birth. The classic editor can basically be said to be a text input editor. You can use this editor to write some articles, such as news, etc., but if you want to use the classic editor to edit more and more complicated graphic and text typesetting and other content, it is difficult to operate this editor to achieve this effect.

The Block Editor is The biggest feature of the new typesetting editor released by WordPress after 5.0 is that it is a block centered editor. You can use various blocks to match and combine to achieve the effect you want, and it has very good support for mixed typesetting, tables, and other complex typesetting.

It is worth noting that the Gutenberg editor needs the support of theme feature blocks, which is one of the core functions of WordPress theme development after 5.0. The more themes that support Gutenberg blocks, the richer the interface will be.

The WEB theme park will start to develop blocks based on the WordPress Gutenberg editing in 2020. At present, the theme supports 23 layout blocks, and continues to optimize, using block nesting to create various block presets and put them into reusable blocks, so that users can use them more easily!

Block editor uses reusable block layout PLAY VIDEO
 WordPress Block Theme Video Introduction

How many free layout pages can be created? Is it difficult to create?

In general, in WordPress, Gutenberg layout supports all pages and articles. You can create pages about us and contact us that contain block combinations of maps, history, atlas, etc., and you can also create all your product displays into a roller H5 mode, which is unlimited.

The Gutenberg theme has changed a lot in the use of blocks compared with the classic editor. If you are used to the classic editor, you will find it difficult to adapt when you switch to the Gutenberg editor. So we offer two different solutions.

Make various display blocks and put them into reusable blocks. Inserting them into the editor is a complete block

We will use the editor to make various types of block composition in advance. You can see the preview in the reusable block, insert the block, and you will get a complete and set module. You can modify the picture, text and color style according to the existing content to get the block you want, so you don't need to bother to make it yourself.

The existing blocks cannot meet my requirements, but I don't want to make them myself

Then we provide the service of customizing blocks and evaluate the requirements. We will use the block editor to complete the whole set of blocks for you, whether it is the layout of a single page or reusable blocks, and charge according to the workload. After completing the work, you can add new content only by inserting reusable blocks, and only need to learn the function of reusable blocks, Greatly reduce the difficulty of maintenance!

How should I choose a classic editor theme or a block theme?

Select Classic Editor Theme

1. If you have always used WordPress, and are very familiar with classic editors, and do not want to switch to unfamiliar editors, then selecting classic editing themes can still be very easy without adaptation

2. The website belongs to CMS content management type, portal type, news type, comprehensive portal type and other articles, and the website is expected to be a traditional reading form, so the classic editor is suitable for this type of website.

3. Just want a super simple enterprise website to display. The existing classic themes are all right, very suitable, and do not need so many forms of typesetting. There is not much content to be typeset, so it is more convenient and easy to use the classic editor directly

Select Block Editor Theme

1. For enterprise sites that need rich and colorful home pages, marketing pages, landing pages, and H5 animation pages, this type of display page can be easily produced by using the block editor, without paying extra fees to have someone produce it.

2. The content of display products, articles, cases, etc. is very rich, and different types of layout are expected. Some key products and services need separate layout to distinguish from other content, and the block editor can also be easily completed

3. They have their own unique ideas and many creative designs and ideas. The block editor can use different block combinations, different page modes and the form of block nested blocks to achieve their own ideas and designs in a background block editing way, which is not limited by the architecture of traditional theme templates.

In a word: you can see the demonstration of the theme. The actual architecture and style that are suitable for you are the best. You can also consult customer service to help you choose the appropriate theme.