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Product advantages

Help customers and partners quickly and easily build blockchain applications in various business scenarios, and help the development of the real economy.

Core competence

Build rich and reliable industrial applications on the chain based on blockchain infrastructure construction.

Construction of national blockchain infrastructure

The People's Chain and Zhejiang University Cyber Security College cooperate to jointly build a new infrastructure of the People's Chain based on blockchain technology for industrial Internet, energy, government and other multi industry application scenarios, and continue to develop and optimize in public services, industrial ecology, regulatory support and international governance, so as to achieve the strategic leadership of a manufacturing power and a network power.

Blockchain application construction

Rely on mature industry solutions, build a credible link network in the digital era, and promote industrial collaboration and value creation. Support the rapid implementation of supply chain finance, certificate traceability, digital collections and other application scenarios. Support customized function development to fully meet the needs of enterprises.

Confirmation and transfer of data elements

Build a data collaboration platform of the blockchain, link identity, information, assets, and behavior, and help different institutions carry out industrial collaboration on the premise of ensuring data privacy, so that they can be shared and confirmed by all parties. Realize full process tracking, full link credibility, and full node witness. Create a business environment of mutual trust according to the full life cycle management of data assets, and complete the protection and value transfer of data assets.

Application scenarios

It is widely used in various industries and business scenarios, which can effectively solve the "difficulties" and "pain points" in traditional business, and at the same time, it promotes a new application model.

  • Pain points of digital card storage scene

    Centralized storage

    High cost of certificate storage

    Data is easy to be tampered with

    Long rights protection cycle

  • Digital certificate storage solution

    Pre evaluation The platform sets the standards for data storage. Only the key data that meets the standards can be linked, improving the efficiency of data linking and reducing the cost of subsequent verification

    In process deposit The platform stores the certificate of key data at the same time as the business occurs, and the certificate is witnessed by multiple nodes to ensure that the user's data on the certificate storage platform cannot be tampered with

    Evidence collection afterwards The platform forensics can be completed locally by the user through API or interface query. At the same time, the forensics can be stamped with a time stamp, and the data signature can be completed. The data ownership and generation time can be confirmed while protecting the user's privacy

    Direct court The depository platform is directly connected to the Beijing Internet Court, supporting one click access to depository records and blockchain verification to ensure the integrity and validity of evidence

Customer Stories

Help customers and partners quickly and easily build blockchain applications in various business scenarios, and help the development of the real economy

  •  /assets/image/baas/al2.png

    People's copyright

    Circulation of copyright information Secure transactions

    In order to solve the problems such as the difficulty of confirming the rights of original content, the difficulty of finding infringements, the high cost and low efficiency of judicial rights protection, a series of copyright services such as certificate storage, monitoring, rights protection and transaction are provided. For content providers, content users and service objects, eight application scenarios are supported: instant and rapid registration of original works, full time infringement monitoring of all works, one click self inspection of original content, real-time evidence collection in multiple ways, efficient protection of rights and interests of original content, online transactions to achieve value-added and innovation of original content, communication analysis services, and data visualization services.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al3.png

    Illegal advertising monitoring

    Data analysis Data traceability

    The People's Chain certificate storage platform provides Internet monitoring services for illegal advertisements. Through data monitoring, analysis and processing of e-commerce data, traditional advertisements, Internet advertisements, outdoor advertisements, etc., it solves the pain points of low efficiency, high cost and easy omission of manual error correction and inspection, and escorts the safety and compliance of advertising content. Through multiple analysis dimensions such as geographical distribution, commodity category, violation type, and processing results, valuable data can be quickly and intuitively obtained from massive data to meet a variety of use scenarios.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al7.png

    Big data management

    data mining Data modeling

    Relying on the unified user identity authentication system, the People's Chain certificate storage platform supports data uplink and certificate storage services, provides electronic data certificate storage, and supports judicial and arbitration institutions such as the Beijing Internet Court to access electronic evidence and perform blockchain verification. Provide multi-dimensional and in-depth information services based on enterprise name, enterprise relationship, industry label, etc. for individual and institutional customers. It includes data cleaning and mining requirements, supports internal and external data processing, analysis and modeling, and can realize user profile construction and refined management and operation.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al5.png

    Public security file management

    Information storage Information traceability

    The People's Chain certificate storage platform provides digital file management application services, uses OCR, natural language processing and other technologies to automatically identify the input content, and quickly generates digital files. Through blockchain technology storage, ensure the credibility and tamper proof of the original data, user information and other file contents, and ensure that each step of the operation information is traceable in the process. Solve problems such as improper file storage and disorderly file establishment, and assist public security personnel to improve work efficiency, service level, and work mechanism.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al2.png

    People's copyright

    Circulation of copyright information Secure transactions

    In order to solve the problems such as the difficulty of confirming the rights of original content, the difficulty of finding infringements, the high cost and low efficiency of judicial rights protection, a series of copyright services such as certificate storage, monitoring, rights protection and transaction are provided. For content providers, content users and service objects, eight application scenarios are supported: instant and rapid registration of original works, full time infringement monitoring of all works, one click self inspection of original content, real-time evidence collection in multiple ways, efficient protection of rights and interests of original content, online transactions to achieve value-added and innovation of original content, communication analysis services, and data visualization services.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al3.png

    Illegal advertising monitoring

    Data analysis Data traceability

    The People's Chain certificate storage platform provides Internet monitoring services for illegal advertisements. Through data monitoring, analysis and processing of e-commerce data, traditional advertisements, Internet advertisements, outdoor advertisements, etc., it solves the pain points of low efficiency, high cost and easy omission of manual error correction and inspection, and escorts the safety and compliance of advertising content. Through multiple analysis dimensions such as geographical distribution, commodity category, violation type, and processing results, valuable data can be quickly and intuitively obtained from massive data to meet a variety of use scenarios.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al7.png

    Big data management

    data mining Data modeling

    Relying on the unified user identity authentication system, the People's Chain certificate storage platform supports data uplink and certificate storage services, provides electronic data certificate storage, and supports judicial and arbitration institutions such as the Beijing Internet Court to access electronic evidence and perform blockchain verification. Provide multi-dimensional and in-depth information services based on enterprise name, enterprise relationship, industry label, etc. for individual and institutional customers. It includes data cleaning and mining requirements, supports internal and external data processing, analysis and modeling, and can realize user profile construction and refined management and operation.

  •  /assets/image/baas/al5.png

    Public security file management

    Information storage Information traceability

    The People's Chain certificate storage platform provides digital file management application services, uses OCR, natural language processing and other technologies to automatically identify the input content, and quickly generates digital files. Through blockchain technology storage, ensure the credibility and tamper proof of the original data, user information and other file contents, and ensure that each step of the operation information is traceable in the process. Solve problems such as improper file storage and disorderly file establishment, and assist public security personnel to improve work efficiency, service level, and work mechanism.

Value added technical services

  • Distributed Identity Service

    Internet identity infrastructure based on blockchain

    Blockchain based identity management scheme

    Create, verify, and manage entity identities

    Standardize management and protection of physical data

    Ensure the authenticity and efficiency of information flow

    Solve the problem of cross agency identity authentication and data cooperation

  • Cross chain data connection service

    Safe, efficient and scalable blockchain cross chain service

    Adopt standardized interface

    Realize universal access and efficient interworking for different blockchains

    Breaking the data islands of blockchain in different systems and regions

    Integrate the forces and information of all parties in the business scenario

    Form scale effect and promote field development

  • Trusted Computing Service

    On chain and off chain trusted privacy computing service

    Provide cross verification of data on and off the chain

    Ensure reliable expansion of data flow on the chain

    Provide universal and privacy protected data analysis capability

    Support multi business data fusion and governance

cooperative partner

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