"That's it. This is him, who he is, and his presence. He forgot to eat. Molly left rice and sushi foam trays in the corner of the long table. Sometimes he had to leave the deck to use the chemical toilet they set up in the corner of the attic."

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 ________  __    __________  __  ___   ____ __ /  _/ __ \/ /   / ____/ __ \/ / / / | / / //_/ / // / / / /   / __/ / /_/ / / / /  |/ / ,<    _/ // /_/ / /___/ /___/ ____/ /_/ / /|  / /| |   /___/_____/_____/_____/_/    \____/_/ |_/_/ |_|

Available data: 10 Bytes

Total revenue: zero Per second

Create a network platform | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a network platform is 10 Bytes

You have zero / one hundred network platform

A network platform hacker steals 1 Byte Per second

Hackers steal all network platforms 0 Bytes Per second

Upgrade to an ergonomic platform

This will cost 1 KB

Upgrade instructions are here


Create a Ice cone | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building an ice cone is 160 Bytes

You have zero / one hundred ICE Picks

An ice pick hacker steals 10 Bytes Per second

All Ice Cone hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your ice cone creation zero Network platform per second

Upgrade to icebreaker

This will cost 8 KB

ICEBREAKER, developed by the legendary Netrunner Strange Switch, is the next generation penetration software.


Create a Botnet | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a botnet is 3.2 KB

You have zero / one hundred Botnet

A botnet hacker steals 10 Bytes Per second

All botnet hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your Botnet Creation zero Ice cone per second

Implement self modifying code

This will cost 64 KB

You never know what your robots will find when they infiltrate. They can now adapt to the changing environment.


Create a Base station hijacker | X10 | X100 | maximum

>The cost of building a base station hijacker is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Base station hijacker

A base station hijacker hacked ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

Hackers steal all base station hijackers 0 Bytes Per second

Your base station hijacker created zero Botnets per second

range extender


It is said that the conical tin foil has no measurable effect on the signal range. Those people do not use Sawa Cookeries Faraday aluminum cones.


Create a Neural quaternion | X10 | X100 | maximum

>The cost of building a neural quaternion is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / forty Neural quaternion

A Neuro Quad hacker steals ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All Neuro Quad Hackers Steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your neural quaternion creation zero Base station hijackers per second

Man in the middle attack


TETRAs provides near instant communication, brain to brain. Now, you can conduct fast and efficient three-way communication. Only some dialog partners may not know the number of converters.


Create a Quantum Cryptography | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a quantum cryptography is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Quantum Cryptography

A quantum cryptography hacker steals ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All quantum cryptography hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your creation of quantum cryptography zero Nerve quaternion per second



The emergence of quantum cryptography makes the decryption technology difficult. Until they figured out how to use quantum computing to help with decryption.


Create a Information Base Miner | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building an information database for miners is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Information Base Miner

An information base miner hacked ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All information bases are stolen by miners 0 Bytes Per second

Your information base created by miners zero Quantum cryptography per second

Data probe


With the growing demand for enterprises to hide their intellectual property rights, intelligent funds are used for the development of secure databases.


Create a Neurozombie | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a neurozombie is 25.6 KB

You have zero / one hundred Neurozombie

A nerve zombie hacker steals 10 Bytes Per second

All nerve zombie hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your zombies create zero Information database miners per second

Anti tamper zombie

This will cost 512 KB

A BioWipe coalition anti tamper system and trade; It will ensure that any evidence in your zombie is unrecoverable.


Create a Satellite jumper | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a satellite patch cord is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Satellite jumper

A satellite jumper hacker steals ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All satellite jumper hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your satellite jumper creation zero Neurozombies per second

Vacuum therapy


AM Pacific is famous for keeping its personnel on all their satellites to ensure that problems can be solved quickly. It will take some time to send replacement personnel.


Create a Dark matter semiconductor | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a dark matter semiconductor is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Dark matter semiconductor s

A dark matter semiconductor hacker steals ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All dark matter semiconductor hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your dark matter semiconductor creation zero Satellite jumper per second

Dark Power


Normal electricity through dark matter is surprisingly possible. However, it is not necessary to have dark electricity induction.


Create a artificial intelligence | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building an AI is 130 KB

You have zero / one hundred artificial intelligence

An AI hacker steals 102.10 KB Per second

All AI hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your AI creation zero Dark matter semiconductor per second

Unlock registry Turing code

This will cost 10.1 MB

After the Mato Grosso space elevator landed, it is illegal for AI to imitate humans. All AI characters are locked behind the Turing registry. You need a winter mute code to unlock them.


Create a Actual intelligence | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building an actual intelligence is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Actual intelligence

An actual intelligence hacker steals Actual intelligence Bytes Per second

All actual information is stolen by hackers 0 Bytes Per second

Your actual intelligence creation zero AI per second



When will AI stop? In this regard, Voltronics Co., Ltd. is proud to launch the first such real network intelligence. Closing it is actually murder.


Create a Simulated universe | X10 | X100 | maximum

The cost of building a simulated universe is ITEMCOSTGOESHERE

You have zero / one hundred Simulated universe

A simulated universe hacker steals ITEMRATEGOESHERE Bytes Per second

All simulated universe hackers steal 0 Bytes Per second

Your simulated universe creation zero Actual intelligence per second

Impose restrictions


So it turns out that if you simulate a universe, its inhabitants will often find out whether you make it run long enough. Placement restrictions, such as maximum speed and minimum temperature, help to suppress their escape.


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