The Chinese civilization has a long history. Sages and philosophers, poetry, calligraphy and painting, mountains and plains, rivers They are like spray, which converges into the most beautiful hymn of Chinese civilization. China Civilization Network launched the "Voice of Civilization" column to promote truth, kindness and beauty, and transmit positive energy!
  • Xi Jinping Tells Stories
  • Revolutionary poetry
  • Classical poetry
  • Contemporary patriotic works
  • Lyric prose
  • Fragments of famous works
  1. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Arab Restaurants in Yiwu
  2. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: China's Tea Affair in Brazil
  3. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Freedom Warriors Singing Revolutionary Songs
  4. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: China Iraq Friendship on the Silk Road
  5. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: History of Sino Western Exchanges on the Silk Road
  6. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Changes of Liangjiahe River
  7. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Stories of China Pakistan Friendship
  8. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The African Honeymoon of Chinese Couples
  9. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The Light of Humanity Illuminates the Dark
  10. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Glaze Wares of Famen Temple
  11. Xi Jinping tells a story: a river is deep only when it has a source
  12. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Brazilians with a Chinese Heart
  13. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Never Forget Professor Maklin
  14. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Panda Blood for Chinese Friends
  15. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Taste of Winning Gold Medals
  16. Xi Jinping tells a story: two old friends of the Chinese people in Peru
  17. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: "Must Love" Mothers Group
  18. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Centennial Past of "China General Administration of Tonghui"
  19. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Good Marriage
  20. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Great Brothers
  21. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Respect the Elderly for Great Virtue
  22. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Respecting Talents and Seeking Talents
  23. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Always Think from the Overall Situation
  24. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Employing People as Tools
  25. Xi Jinping tells stories: sweet potato theory
  26. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Barrel Theory
  27. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The Son of Heaven Defends the Country
  28. Xi Jinping tells stories: donkey horse theory
  29. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Build "Two Mountains"
  30. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: "Harmony" Can "Harmony"
  31. Xi Jinping tells a story: Chinese people are everywhere in the world
  32. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Zhang Zhidong's Exclamation
  33. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Seize the Opportunity and Catch up with the Times
  34. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Literary China
  35. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Discipline cannot be a dead letter
  36. Xi Jinping tells stories: it takes time for the system to mature
  37. Xi Jinping tells a story: "The hell is coming"
  38. Xi Jinping tells a story: Liu Qing squats in Huangfu Village
  39. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Chinese Miracle
  40. Xi Jinping's Story telling: Prepare to suffer losses
  41. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Counterattack of Domestic Mobile Phones
  42. Xi Jinping tells a story: the prodigal son returns
  43. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: No Pessimism, No Waiting
  44. Xi Jinping's Story telling: Three Realms of Scholarly Research
  45. Xi Jinping tells stories: watching the Communist Manifesto 100 times
  46. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: 114 Word Inscriptions
  47. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: An Investigation of Seeking Wu
  48. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Learn to Understand and Understand the Original Works
  49. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Learning and Thinking
  50. Xi Jinping tells stories: keeping up with the times
  51. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Youth of Revolution
  52. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Heroes Come from Teenagers
  53. Xi Jinping tells a story: Where has the time gone
  54. Xi Jinping tells stories: science and technology must be combined with social development
  55. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Borrowing Books from 30 Miles
  56. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Loyalty to the Country
  57. Xi Jinping tells a story: "Work like a cow"
  58. Xi Jinping tells a story: China's land is saturated with their blood
  59. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Constant dripping wears away the stone
  60. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Impoverished Marx Writes Das Kapital
  61. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Gu Wenchang's "Potential Achievements"
  62. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The Power of Faith
  63. Xi Jinping tells stories: figure and voice
  64. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Burning Tears into Rain
  65. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The Aspiration of Politicians
  66. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Great Love of Teachers
  67. Xi Jinping's Story telling: Don't be greedy for temporary success
  68. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Cultivating Morality for Political Precedence
  69. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Kangxi did not take Ganoderma lucidum
  70. Xi Jinping tells a story: half quilt
  71. Xi Jinping tells a story: Honesty does not mean poverty, and diligence does not mean hardship
  72. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: The Suffering of Going Away from the People
  73. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Huang Yanpei's Questions
  74. Xi Jinping's Story telling: People's Choice
  75. Xi Jinping's Story telling: Three No Deceptions
  76. Xi Jinping's story telling: doing better and doing worse
  77. Xi Jinping tells a story: Pei Ju and Ning fought in the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty
  78. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Keep the flesh and blood ties with the people
  79. Xi Jinping's Story telling: The Iron Law of History
  80. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Three Fates Surrender
  81. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Farewell My Concubine
  82. Xi Jinping tells stories: the cream of the people
  83. Xi Jinping tells a story: there is no "card house" in anti-corruption
  84. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Key Words
  85. Xi Jinping Tells Stories: Sizhi Refuses to Pay
  1. Painting Bamboo
  2. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (VI)
  3. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (V)
  4. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (IV)
  5. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (III)
  6. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (II)
  7. Speech at Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (I)
  8. "Ode to Eight Linked Poems"
  9. Niannujiao Jinggangshan
  10. Qilu, and Comrade Zhou Shizhao
  11. Greeting the Groom - Reading History
  12. Seven Rhymes: To Shaoshan
  13. Seven Laws - Answering Friends
  14. Butterflies in Love with Flowers - Answering Li Shuyi
  15. Beauty Yu on the Pillow
  16. Huanxisha and Mr. Liu Yazi
  17. Linjiang Immortal · To Comrade Ding Ling
  18. Fisherman's Pride: Counter the First "Encirclement and Suppression"
  19. Five Laws - Zhang Guanzhong
  20. "Ballad of Returning Home - Tonight Moon"
  21. Seven Laws · Hongdu
  22. Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan
  23. Seven Wonders Mogan Mountain
  24. Six character Poem for Comrade Peng Dehuai
  25. Bodhisattva, Yellow Crane Tower
  26. "Like a Dream, New Year's Day"
  27. "Seven Wonders · Photograph for Women Militia"
  28. Seven Wonders · Wuyun Mountain
  29. Five Laws - Watching the Mountain
  30. Seven Wonders - Viewing the Tide
  31. Seven Rhymes - Winter Clouds
  32. "Subtracted Magnolia Flower · Guangchang Road"
  33. Qilu Long March
  34. Seven Laws: The People's Liberation Army Occupying Nanjing
  35. Bodhisattva Man, Big Baidi
  36. Man Jianghong, Comrade Guo Moruo
  37. Mulberry Picking Chongyang
  38. Five Laws · Joyful News
  39. Qingpingle Liupanshan
  40. Qinyuan Spring · Changsha
  41. Three Sixteen Word Orders
  42. Water Melody Head · Return to Jinggangshan
  43. Butterfly Loves Flowers, From Tingzhou to Changsha
  44. Xijiangyue · Jinggangshan
  45. Xijiangyue · Autumn Harvest Uprising
  46. Gold begins to appear when waves wash away
  47. The revolution is sure to win. The future is promising
  48. The Goddess should be safe and shocked the world
  49. Zhuang Zai, a Chinese teenager
  50. Zhao Yiman: Gan will devote his blood to China
  51. Wherever the spring wind blows, there are green weeds everywhere
  52. Our belief is the truth of the universe
  53. People are not old after visiting the green mountains, and the scenery here is unique
  54. Devote myself to a boundless life with youth
  55. Xiuyan Woman is not British
  56. Eternal life in fire and blood
  57. Congratulations to the Groom, Farewell to Friends: When Faith Meets Love
  58. "Poems of Surrender": This is a poem written by a 28 year old man in his blood
  59. Memories of Qin E · Loushan Pass: Cangshan is like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood
  60. Qinyuan Spring · Snow: Counting celebrities, still look at today!
  1. The mountains are high and the rivers are long
  2. If things are not complete, things are also emotional
  3. Don't do what you don't want to do to others
  4. There are thousands of buildings in Ande, and all the poor people in the world are happy
  5. The loyalty of people is just like that of fish
  6. Facing Jieshi in the east, you can see the sea
  7. Judge the time and move with determination. There is nothing in the world that cannot be done
  8. Plan according to the size, and arrange according to the priority
  9. Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a region
  10. The Book of Rites · University (excerpt)
  11. It is not difficult to legislate the world's affairs, but it is difficult to enforce the law
  12. If the water is not thick, it cannot bear the boat
  13. The affliction of going away from the people is like removing the disease of the stomach and heart
  14. To govern with practice and not with literature
  15. Those who enjoy the happiness of the people also enjoy their happiness; Those who are worried about the people are also worried about their worries
  16. Scholars are not necessarily officials, but officials must learn
  17. Few but eager to learn, like the sun rising
  18. Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous
  19. A building is not made of wood; The vastness of the sea is not the best return
  20. If you are poor, you will be alone; if you reach the goal, you will be good for the world
  21. Be cautious and easy to take refuge, be careful and ambitious
  22. Follow good deeds like a mountain, follow evil deeds like a landslide
  23. In Summer, the South Pavilion is full of happiness
  24. Sharp tools make good work
  25. A little Haoran Qi, a thousand miles away
  26. There is a limit to my life, and there is no limit to my knowledge
  27. The wise change with the times, and the wise follow the circumstances
  28. "Poem on Twenty four Qi, Summer Solstice and Mid May"
  29. Managing a country is like planting a tree. If you don't shake your roots, your branches and leaves will flourish
  30. Learning is good for talent, and sharpening is good for cutting edge
  31. Will be the top of the mountain
  32. Cultivate his heart and govern his body, and then he can govern the world
  33. "Sleeping in the Early Summer"
  34. When you see a good man, think of the same; when you see a bad man, introspect yourself
  35. A prime minister must rise from the state, and a powerful general must be sent to the rank of soldiers
  36. Xiaochi
  37. Seeing is better than hearing, and doing is better than seeing
  38. Ruan Lang Returns to Early Summer
  39. "Questions and Answers in the Mountain"
  40. Butterflies in Love with Flowers - A Pole Rising in Spring
  41. For the benefit of the people, silk hair will prosper; The matter of the Li people must go at no time
  42. Pastoral Works in Spring
  43. A cuddled tree is born in the end; The nine storey platform starts from the earth
  44. West River Moon, Clear in Huangzhou
  45. People see the water as the shape, and people as the rule
  46. Boundless scene is new
  47. Steady Wind and Waves
  48. Huanxi Sand, People Chasing Painting Boats at the Upstream of Embankment
  49. Those who know are inferior to those who are good, and those who are good are inferior to those who are happy
  50. Guy has made extraordinary contributions and must treat extraordinary people
  51. No ambition can be realized without indifference, and no future can be achieved without tranquility
  52. Politics is like farming, thinking about it day and night
  53. I hope all the people are warm and spare no effort to get out of the forest
  54. The promise of a thousand people is not as good as that of one person
  55. It is easy to ban micro, but difficult to save the last
  56. To govern with virtue, for example, Beichen, is surrounded by stars
  57. I don't know the shape of a horse when I see a hair on it; The beauty of a painting is unknown
  58. Where the ambition is, there will be no future
  59. Gong Shengming, Lian Shengwei
  60. The more you think of people, the more you have; The more we communicate with others, the more we have
  61. Those who are new will retire every day
  62. The eyelashes can't be seen in front of you, and the Tao can't be expected outside
  63. Boundless travel, sailing but trade wind
  64. Teenagers work hard all their lives. Don't be lazy for time
  65. The war is changeable and the water is changeable
  66. The life is wrapped in thick silk, and the belly is full of poetry and calligraphy
  67. In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself
  68. Don't boast about the color, just leave a fresh air to fill the universe
  69. Learning is like a bow and arrow
  70. The sky is vast and the hometown is full of love
  71. I advise Tiangong to be energetic and demote talents
  72. The tide is flat, the two sides are wide, and the wind is blowing
  73. I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan, but only because I am in this mountain
  74. I have to learn from the paper. I know that I must practice it
  75. An old hero is ambitious
  76. I'm not afraid of being crushed to pieces. I want to remain innocent in the world
  77. Climb the Ten Thousand Renzhi Mountain and View the Scenery of Ten Thousand Mountains
  78. Be a gentleman. Be a gentleman
  79. If you are not alone, you must have neighbors
  80. Young people's ambition is not to worry about the Shu River
  81. Looking at the thousands of miles from ancient times, the prosperity of today is better than that of the past
  82. Mo Daosang's elms are still full of clouds at night
  83. To persuade you to cherish your youth
  84. The bright moon leaves the magpie, and the breeze makes cicadas chirp in the middle of the night
  85. Like a Dream · Always remember the sunset at the brook pavilion
  86. The water essence curtain moves, the breeze rises, and the roses are full of fragrance
  87. Plum golden apricot fertilizer
  88. Picking lotus is a clear song like lotus
  89. Adhere to extraordinary ideals in ordinary life
  90. The south wind rises at night, and the wheat is covered with Longhuang
  91. Thousands of soldiers like this, thousands of miles of border like iron
  92. Be the best in the best years
  93. Returning like an arrow, just like Ge Qin
  94. Don't regret the passing, cherish the future
  95. Give me papaya for Qiong Yao
  96. The beauty of the West Lake is strongest in summer
  97. hold your hand and grow old together with you
  98. If you look at death and return, you should do so
  99. Come on, let nature give you the most beautiful cure
  100. "Going to Wine": Sell the Sorrow of Forever with You
  1. Fierce Fire Casts a Heroic Soul | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (14)
  2. Shangganling Battle Flag Red | Heroic Children - Letter from the Volunteer Army (13)
  3. Standing at the Front of the Glorious Battle | Heroic Children - Family Letter of the Volunteer Army (12)
  4. Air Raider | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (11)
  5. I firmly believe that victory belongs to us | Heroes and Heroes - Letter from the Volunteer Army (10)
  6. Devoted to defending the country | Heroic Children: A Letter from the Volunteer Army (9)
  7. Successful Revolution Comes Home again | Heroic Children - Letter from Volunteer Army (8)
  8. Be a good soldier in a lifetime of struggle | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (7)
  9. Not afraid of war and eager to win | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (6)
  10. You want me to be a hero, and I want you to become a model for joining the Party | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (5)
  11. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea Is the Only Sacred Task | Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (4)
  12. Come back to see you with flowers of glory | Heroes and Daughters - Family Letter of the Volunteer Army (3)
  13. Never leave Korea without destroying or driving away the US Emperor | Heroic Children - Letter from the Volunteer Army (2)
  14. It is our duty to defend our motherland| Heroic Children - A Letter from the Volunteer Army (1)
  15. "Back to the Mountain" extract (52) | Snow Road
  16. "Back to the Mountain" extract (51) | Snow Road
  17. Excerpts from Backing the Mountain (50) | Snow Road
  18. "Back to the Mountain" extract (49) | Snow Road
  19. "Back to the Mountain" extract (48) | Snow Road
  20. "Back to the Mountain" extract (47) | Snow Road
  21. "Back to the Mountain" extract (46) | Snow Road
  22. "Back to the Mountain" extract (45) | Snow Road
  23. "Back to the Mountain" extract (44) | Snow Road
  24. "Backer" extract (43) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  25. "Backer" extract (42) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  26. "Backer" extract (41) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  27. Excerpts from Back of the Mountain (40) | Li Bold, the monitor of the literacy class
  28. "Backer" extract (39) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  29. "Backer" extract (38) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  30. "Backer" extract (37) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  31. "Backer" extract (36) | Li Dare, the monitor of the literacy class
  32. Backer (35) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  33. "Backer" extract (34) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  34. "Backer" excerpt (33) | Aunt Liu, Uncle Ma
  35. Backer (32) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  36. Backer (31) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  37. Backer (30) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  38. "Backer" extract (29) | Aunt Liu and Uncle Ma
  39. "Backer" extract (28) | Aunt Liu, Uncle Ma
  40. "Backer" Excerpt (27) | Children in the war field
  41. "Backer" Excerpt (26) | Children in the war field
  42. "Backer" Excerpt (25) | Children in the war field
  43. "Backer" Excerpt (24) | Children in the War Field
  44. Backer (23) | Children in the War
  45. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (22) | sister-in-law weeding
  46. "Backer" excerpt (21) | Sister in law weeding
  47. "Backing the Mountain" Excerpt (20) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  48. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (19) | sister-in-law weeding
  49. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (18) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  50. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (17) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  51. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (16) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  52. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (15) | Sister in law weeding
  53. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (14) | Sister in law weeding
  54. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (13) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  55. "Backing the Mountain" Excerpts (12) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  56. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (11) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  57. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (10) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  58. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (9) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  59. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (8) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  60. "Backing the Mountain" Excerpt (7) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  61. "Backing the Mountain" excerpt (6) | Sister in law weeding out traitors
  62. "Backer" Excerpt (5) | Three Red Army Girls
  63. "Backer" Excerpt (IV) | Three Red Army Girls
  64. "Backer" Excerpt (3) | Three Red Army Girls
  65. "Backer" Excerpt (II) | Three Red Army Girls
  66. "Backer" Excerpt (I) | Three Red Army Girls
  67. Lovely China (excerpt)
  68. I am a member of the Communist Party, I have not forgotten!
  69. new era
  70. Prison get-together
  71. On the Taihang Mountain
  72. Notes on Lugou Bridge
  73. The smile of the motherland is so beautiful
  74. Follow the motherland closely
  75. Motherland, an endless love song
  76. Me and my motherland
  77. It is the power of belief that makes the foundation evergreen and inherits the red country from generation to generation
  78. Motherland, my dear motherland
  79. I love you, China
  80. I love my country.
  81. Sing beautiful mountains and rivers, eulogize the most beautiful motherland
  82. Where is my hometown? It's the whole China!
  83. A real warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood
  84. I grope for the vast land with my damaged palm
  85. One sentence: Our China!
  86. Motherland, My Dear Motherland: Love for you is the most moving movement
  87. Ai Qing's "I love this land": Why do my eyes often contain tears?
  1. Direction of the red boat
  2. Spirit of the Yellow River (excerpt)
  3. Sunshine and hands
  4. Kiss the motherland
  5. Backshadow
  6. Tribute to Chinese Good People: Faith in Goodness Is Like Fire
  7. On Reading (Excerpt)
  8. I like to start
  9. Growth in summer
  10. Dream of flower growers
  11. I hope it's on you
  12. Reading is a kind of happiness
  13. A letter to my childhood
  14. Fear life
  15. Be a soldier
  16. Peach Blossom Water in March
  17. Why keep time
  18. Egret
  19. Spring fills Yanyuan Garden
  20. In the sound of spring from thousands of households
  21. swallow
  22. We woke up spring
  23. Pearl bird
  24. Hometown Lantern Festival
  25. Southern Flower Market
  26. New Year's Eve Feelings
  27. Winter gossip
  28. The sonorous rose, the proud snow and the plum blossom
  29. mailman
  30. Yearly Intention
  31. Sunrise at sea
  32. Why do we read
  33. A hug
  34. Remind happiness
  35. Walk through my heart
  36. winter
  37. The fragrance of the sun
  38. Mother is a kind of time
  39. Autumn Music
  40. A long way
  41. Always cherish
  42. Remembrance of autumn
  43. My teacher
  44. Huangshan Cliff Pine
  45. If I love you
  46. The soul is tempered
  47. No road is longer than feet, no mountain is higher than people
  48. The horizon of Junggar
  49. The character of Lhasa River
  50. Courage is not stored in your face, but in your hands
  51. I will loudly praise the golden summer
  52. Our future lies in the field of hope
  53. Walk towards the light forever
  54. Burning lotus Ruitingting flows out of the water
  55. My South and North
  56. We praise the Yangtze River, you are the source of infinity
  57. Always hold your head high to face the bright distance
  58. A solemn ode to Mother's River
  59. Loyal bones are buried everywhere in the green mountains, so there is no need to return them in a horse's clothing
  60. I love you for no reason
  61. An idealist is a "capital person"
  62. I sing for boys and girls
  63. I don't believe in fate, I only believe in my hand
  64. Wherever the spring wind blows, there are green weeds everywhere
  65. The meaning and value of life
  66. We have the present and tomorrow, firm and powerful
  67. Can you hear the bell?
  68. I can't miss you when I travel all over the world
  69. Believe in the future and love life
  70. He Qifang: Have you ever seen such a premier?
  71. Who is whose landscape decorated whose dream?
  72. If you have been racing against time
  73. We are willing to be coal in the furnace
  74. I would like to be a river flowing through you
  75. Since I have chosen to go far away, I only care about the wind and rain
  76. Think too much? Then read
  77. Sincere love, for selfless you
  78. Young you, please keep a forgiving and joyful heart
  79. Teach me how not to miss her
  80. If you love, life is lovely everywhere
  81. You are the April day on earth
  82. Accidental: An instant is eternity
  83. Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms: May you be happy, sincere and kind
  84. Rainy Lane: The girl like lilac
  85. Spring: Looking forward, looking forward, the pace of spring is approaching
  86. You Are: Always Forward, Always Young!
  87. Rain in Kunming: Forty years later, I can't forget the feeling of that day
  88. Mo Yan: Hometown Spring Festival
  89. Spring Festival in Beijing
  90. The Streets in the Sky: Keep the romantic universe in mind and strive for the ideal
  91. Yu Pingbo, The Qinhuai River in the Lights and the Sound of Paddles
  92. Laba Porridge
  93. Peanuts: Don't try to be a winner, try to be a valuable person
  94. Stars: It makes us feel that light is everywhere
  95. Winter in Jinan: With such a benevolent winter, why hope for something else!
  96. Walking the Moon: At the foot of Cangshan Mountain and beside Erhai Lake, we "walk the moon" together
  97. Farewell to Cambridge: Gentle time, amazing years
  98. Zhu Ziqing, The Qinhuai River in the Lights and the Sound of Paddles
  99. Praise of Poplar: Great comes from ordinary, heroes from people
  100. From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, do you still remember these interesting childhood stories?
  101. Lao She's Autumn in Jinan