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"Falling in love with characters" -- The voice dubbing of Guanghe Xinsheng on behalf of Cai Na

Time: 07-07 Click: 65 times

How can a girl who has traveled from modern times to ancient times use her modern knowledge to influence the process of a period of history and become an indispensable key figure in that troubled world. It can be said that this is the most attractive point of the TV series Heaven's Will

On the Problems of Dubbing "Tone" and "Ancient Style Tone"

Time: 04-14 Click: 146 times

The questions about various tones are relatively concentrated. Let's briefly talk about my personal opinion. First of all, when we face works of different types, styles and backgrounds of different times, we will adjust the way of expression, tone and intonation

How to coordinate and improve voice quality

Time: 06-16 Click: 122 times

The essential feature that distinguishes one voice from another is called voice timbre. To coordinate and improve the voice timbre is to adjust the pronunciation position and method properly on the basis of phoneme theory, that is, without affecting the meaning

How to quickly enter the state before singing

Time: 06-16 Click: 56 times

These are the main notes for singing: the first is how to make the voice fuller. There are two reasons why Hongliang cannot open the voice: 1. The resonance organ is not fully utilized; 2. The breath is unstable (method): 1 Skill 1. Experience the chest

Three Relations and Skills of Broadcasting

Time: 06-16 Click: 146 times

Broadcasting is a part of the Party's news work. The daily work of broadcasters is mainly news programs. The nature of such work and the scope of business determine that broadcasters must have a sense of high quality and efficiency. As sound

How do broadcasters broadcast TV news well

Time: 06-16 Click: 57 times

The task of the announcer is to turn the language into a purposeful, targeted, attitudinal and emotional voice language and convey it to the audience. Therefore, whether it is radio news or television news, the psychological state and feelings of the broadcasters have an impact on the text

The simplest and effective way to deal with audio noise (required for dubbing staff)

Time: 06-16 Click: 170 times

In audio production, the common methods of audio noise reduction and de-noising include sampling and de-noising, noise gate, etc. It is an effective method for professional audio processing software to remove continuous and stable background noise. The principle of noise removal is to sample the waveform of noise

How can an announcer make his voice full of emotion?

Time: 06-16 Click: 51 times

Language is the unique information of human society. It is a tool for human communication and exchange of ideas. Language process is the process of encoding, transmitting, receiving and decoding information. The language of our country is mainly Mandarin, which is based on the pronunciation of Beijing

The most basic requirement for dubbing is the skill of lip formation

Time: 06-16 Click: 178 times

In order not to affect the viewing of the film due to language problems, we usually use dubbing, but it is the creation on the premise of not destroying the viewing effect of the original film, maintaining the life style and authenticity, and striving to be authentic. Translators have no right to

Tell you about professional advertising dubbing skills [Recommended]

Time: 06-16 Click: 125 times

In the traditional broadcasting style, news broadcasting emphasizes freshness, lightness, decency, clear and accurate articulation, and proper breath control; Communication broadcasting focuses on the calm and smooth narration, the sincerity and simplicity of emotion, and the change of voice forms

On the Basic Skills of Dubbing Actors from the Perspective of Dubbing Skills

Time: 06-16 Click: 88 times

Any artistic form requires fundamental skills. Painting must start from line drawing, music singing must start from the fundamental sound of music notes, and dance must start from the fundamental movement. Chinese opera artists should spend more time from childhood: legs wasting, wrestling, stooping, stage walking, clouds

Skills to be mastered in audio recording

Time: 06-16 Click: 62 times

I believe that many people are quite unfamiliar with the concept of voice recording, even those who are new to voice dubbing recording. The so-called dry tone recording refers to the original recording without any post-processing. The concept of dry tone recording is the most

Three dubbing types for TV programs

Time: 06-16 Click: 96 times

Today's TV programs are more and more diverse in types, classification methods, and forms of expression. Naturally, the voice dubbing of TV programs is also various in types and forms. This article will set out from the perspective of feeling, and match TV columns with

Three types of dubbing: narrative dubbing

Time: 06-16 Click: 72 times

3. Narrative voice dubbing is a voice dubbing method that is easy to use, relatively relaxed, and more implicit. There is not too much fluctuation in sentences, and the rhythm is slow and consistent, which makes people and programs have a sense of distance

Three types of dubbing: descriptive dubbing

Time: 06-16 Click: 127 times

2. Descriptive dubbing Descriptive dubbing must first be based on the manuscript, and be created on the basis of careful analysis and full understanding of the contents of the manuscript. The dubber must have a good understanding of the creative background of the manuscript and the feelings that the creators want to express, such as
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