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Diabetes hypoglycemia occurs frequently, what should be paid attention to?

2018-08-13 16:30:32 39 Health Network
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Core tip: taking hypoglycemic drugs, controlling diet, and reducing weight through exercise are the main ways for diabetics to reduce blood sugar. However, a little carelessness may lead to "overexertion" and hypoglycemia.

Obviously, I have taken medicine on time, controlled my diet and exercised well. Why do I still feel dizzy and flustered? Is it the wrong way, or is it not done enough, which causes the blood sugar to keep falling?

No, in this case, the blood sugar may be too low!


Take hypoglycemic drugs, control diet, exercise weight loss, etc. Yes diabetes The main method for patients to reduce blood sugar, but a little carelessness is easy to "overexert" hypoglycemia The situation.

When diabetic patients are suffering from hypoglycemia, they often have a series of symptoms of abnormal sympathetic excitement, such as restlessness, strange behavior, hunger, panic, pale face, sweating, etc., while elderly patients and those who repeatedly suffer from hypoglycemia may have a life threatening hypoglycemic coma without warning.

When these symptoms occur, you can eat meals, eat sweets or take intravenous injection Grape Sugar, etc., correct the concentration of blood sugar in time, and the symptoms will disappear. But diabetes hypoglycemia occurs frequently, how should we prevent it?

  Be careful when taking medicine

Irrational drug use is the main cause of hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus. When using hypoglycemic drugs, especially insulin It is better to start from a small dosage and gradually increase it, and make reasonable adjustment according to your own condition in time to prevent the blood sugar concentration from falling too fast in a short time, causing panic and shaking.

In addition, if you eat less, you need to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs accordingly.

   II. Proper diet control

Diabetics often fall into a misunderstanding that the less they eat, the better. Weight loss and food consumption reduction are indeed effective ways to control blood sugar. However, if the main food intake of diabetic patients is too small, sugar content is not enough for normal operation of the body, and hypoglycemia is more likely to occur, causing damage to brain cells and other parts of the body.

Therefore, diabetic patients must take food on time and in a quantitative manner. In order to ensure the balance of blood sugar, a separate meal system can be adopted. When the blood sugar rises, a part of staple food shall be used as an additional meal for the period of easy hypoglycemia.

  III. Exercise moderately

Exercise is one of the main methods in the treatment of diabetes, but strenuous exercise can also easily lead to hypoglycemia. For the current popular night running, square dancing, etc., diabetics should also be careful to participate, because exercise at night is likely to lead to hypoglycemia at night.

Before exercise, you can adjust your diet and medication accordingly to avoid exercising on an empty stomach or within 60-90 minutes of using hypoglycemic drugs. Diabetics should take it with them when exercising drinking water , candy bar and first aid card, appear Hypoglycemia It can be handled in time.

In a word, in order to avoid hypoglycemia, it is very important for diabetic patients to coordinate the amount of food, exercise and medication. It is best to equip a blood glucose monitor to monitor their blood glucose in real time, so as to make timely adjustments to the treatment plan according to the blood glucose concentration.

39 Health Network (www.39. net), please do not reproduce without written authorization.

Wu Guangxiu Deputy chief physician Chongqing Fuling Central Hospital Endocrine Department

Wu Guangxiu is the deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, with 22 years of medical experience and rich clinical experience.

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