Adjustment of policy care items since 2027 middle school entrance examination

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Source: North Network Author: Report Lei Fengyu tonight Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-21 09:35:39

   Tianjin North News: The reporter learned from the Municipal Education Commission that the "Notice of the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Ethnic and Religious Commission on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Tianjin on Further Regulating the Admission Policy Care of High School Schools" and the policy interpretation were officially announced yesterday. It was clear that from the 2027 mid-term examination, the city will cancel the policy care for excellent students and outstanding student cadres at the municipal and district levels and adjust the scope of policy care for ethnic minority examinees.

According to the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference and the requirements of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and our city, referring to the practices of relevant provinces and cities, combined with the actual situation of our city, the Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Ethnic and Religious Commission formulated the notice after multiple investigations, public solicitation of opinions from the society, organization of forums and expert argumentation. Compared with the original policies of the city, the items listed in the notice have the following changes: First, from the 2027 midterm examination, the policy of giving 5 points to outstanding students and outstanding student cadres at the municipal level will be canceled, and the preferential admission policy for outstanding students and outstanding student cadres at the district level will be canceled; Second, from the 2027 midterm examination, the policy for minority examinees will be adjusted to "at the primary secondary education stage, minority examinees transferred to the city from the 'four regions' (border areas, mountainous areas, pastoral areas, ethnic minority inhabited areas) of ethnic minority autonomous regions, including autonomous prefectures (leagues), autonomous counties (banners), etc., will receive 5 points more when entering school".

It is worth noting that, in order to ensure the orderly connection and smooth transition between the old and new policies, the plan for further standardizing the implementation of the secondary school entrance examination policy has been officially implemented since 2027, that is, the original policy for the secondary school entrance examination will remain unchanged in 2024, 2025 and 2026.

In order to better serve parents and students to understand relevant policies in a timely manner, the Municipal Education Commission announced the policy consultation methods of each district in the policy interpretation, and parents and students who need advice can do so.

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