A shop that doesn't want to eat but can't stop eating

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Source: Author: Cao Qi Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-21 08:47:58

   Tianjin North News: The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many people don't know what to eat. Today, I recommend these stores to quickly open your taste buds.

    Jinhua Korean Mixed Noodles

   Address: Peace Joy City, Nanjing Road, Heping District B1

   A bowl of simple Xianzu Mixed Noodles is full of praise!

   Jinhua Xianzu Mixed Noodle is recommended. It's red oil with attractive color. I thought it would be very hot to eat A handful of tears, in fact, the sour and sweet play a leading role, the slightly spicy just makes the taste more rich! The noodles are very thin, which is on a par with the capillaries in the orchid, so it creates such a delicious taste. There are many ingredients in it, such as a large lump of shredded tofu, cucumber, and platycodon grandiflorum ... every minute.

   As a supporting role, the cold dishes are not inferior to the mixed noodles. They are all of a wide variety and may not be eaten when they are late. It is recommended to mix eggplant and beans, which are first fried with oil, a bit like dry fried beans, and then add garlic and other condiments to cool them. In order to taste more, remember to mix half of them!

   Hot and Spicy Stir the World

   Address: Hebei Road, Heping District one hundred and thirty number

   This is a very modest restaurant. Although there is no tall decoration, it has its own attitude, which can be seen from the menu. According to the degree of spiciness, the shop owner, his wife and his aunt Of Prefer naming, and you will find like-minded partners at once!

   The dishes in his family are fresh and full of varieties. Weighed by jin, they are good in quality and cheap in price. The string is about six or seven yuan. You can either mix it with spicy food or choose Malatang. You can choose any of the two ways to eat it. It's spicy and delicious. It's hard to resist.

   Beef Soup with Pear Flower

   Address: Lebin Department Store, Nanjing Road, Heping District B1

   When I don't know what to eat, I come to this store. Especially when I'm in a hurry, the food is fast and the taste is good.

   It is recommended to mix roast beef with rice. The ingredients are very rich, including beef, carrots, mushrooms and corn kernels ...... Spread it very fully, add the sauce, stir it vigorously, and taste the sweet and spicy food just right.

   His beef soup is also worth tasting. A red cabbage and beef soup, together with a bowl of rice, can easily make a meal.

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