The old tomato is delicious, waiting for you

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Source: North Network Author: Xin Xuan reported tonight Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-06 08:59:00

Summary: "Huantuo has good tomatoes - Huantuo Tomato Festival" was recently held in Jinzhong Street, Dongli District. At the event site, activities such as the featured food market, intangible cultural heritage exhibition, tomato exhibition and sales have been carried out, making people call it "delicious and satisfying".

   Tianjin North News: "Huantuo has good tomatoes - Huantuo Tomato Festival" was recently held in Jinzhong Street, Dongli District. At the event site, activities such as the featured food market, intangible cultural heritage exhibition, tomato exhibition and sales have been carried out, making people call it "delicious and satisfying".

At the tomato booth, grower Zhang Lingang greets everyone and gives them Huantuo tomatoes to taste. The tomatoes he brought this time were not small, the big ones weighed as much as one kilogram, and the smaller ones also weighed seven or eight liang. "Green persimmons don't taste sour either. If you like red persimmons, you can put them on for another two days. They are all delicious!" Zhang Lingang said. The tin tomatoes brought by Yang Linshui are not simple. "Tiepi tomato is our new variety. Compared with the old style persimmon, it is slightly smaller, but it tastes good, and is very popular with the public," said Yang Linshui.

It is reported that the Huantuo Tomato Festival will be held in the peak season of tomato production this month. In Huantuo Village, Jinzhong Street, the 1430 mu production and planting base is open to the public. Welcome to pick and experience the planting environment and farming fun of Huantuo tomatoes. The production and planting base has also opened a special exhibition area to facilitate the purchase and taste of citizens.

Huantuo Tomato Base has a history of tomato planting for nearly 40 years. The specific climate, sunshine, terrain and soil endow Huantuo tomato with the characteristics of plump pulp, juicy sand pulp, sweet and sour taste and round shape. Huantuo tomatoes are listed in the third batch of national famous, special and new agricultural products list in 2022 released by the Center for Quality Safety of Agricultural Products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

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