A good place for leisure in the suburbs of Tianjin, farmland and countryside are more joyful

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Source: North Network Author: Report Lei Fengyu tonight Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-06 09:06:00

Summary: The reporter learned from the Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the 2024 "Enjoy Tianjin Suburbs 365" rural tourism activity in Tianjin has recently been fully launched.

   Tianjin North News: The reporter learned from the Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the 2024 "Enjoy Tianjin Suburbs 365" rural tourism activity in Tianjin has recently been fully launched.

The Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs introduced that the rural tourism activity is aimed at the "3" major tourist source areas in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and launched the "Enjoy Tianjin Suburbs 365" Tianjin rural tourism series activities covering the "6" major themes of agricultural experience, folk culture, leisure and entertainment, agricultural products market, sports events, science, education and research, and launched more than 300 "creative, meaningful, distinctive, and warm" To create an all-weather, all-around, all season, all age rural leisure and entertainment experience. Through the activity of "Four Seasons with Different Sceneries, Appreciating 'Tianjin' throughout the year" and the experience of intangible cultural heritage of lunar folk customs throughout the year, a series of "Tianjin" rural experience scenes are presented to show the natural scenery and local customs of the great beauty of Tianjin suburbs, so as to achieve the goal of "touring Tianjin suburbs throughout the year, enjoying new articles in the seasons, surprising every month, and wonderful every day", and provide citizens and tourists with a good place to relax in Tianjin suburbs.

The theme of the activity is "the most beautiful scenery, the 'township' meeting in Tianjin suburbs". Focusing on the consumption scene of "appreciating flowers in spring", the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Committee launched 125 rural tourism activities (111 spring featured activities and 14 year-round activities). Among them, there are 6 national level events, 18 urban level events, 58 town and village level events, and 43 events held by various business entities. Through activities such as flower appreciation, spring plowing, research, camping, and market shopping, citizens and tourists can enjoy eating, playing, and living in the suburbs of Damei Tianjin.

This year, the Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched a flower appreciation card call tour (45 items). Tourists can enjoy peach blossoms in Jinxi Taoyuan Scenic Spot, Wuqing District, Bataigang Village, Koudong Town, Baodi District, Daanping Village, Chutouling Town, Jizhou District, Damaigu Village, Banqiao Town, Ninghe District, Muwo Village, Lianzhuang Town, Ninghe District, etc; Enjoy crabapple flowers in Pangzui Village, Shuangjie Town, Beichen District; Enjoy Huaihua at Qingsheng River Farm, Qingguang Village, Qingguang Town, Beichen District. At the same time, theme activities such as camping festival, kite festival, garden party and beer festival are also launched.

"Rural fun" agricultural experience tour (21 items) was launched. Citizens and tourists can visit the Strawberry Festival in Hangu Street in Binhai New Area, the Picking Festival in Nanyuan Village, Chengguan Town, Wuqing District, the Mulberry Picking Festival in "Honghuayu Township", Honghuayu Rural Park, Jizhou District, and the Rice Transplanting Festival in Xiaoxin Wharf Village, Huangzhuang Town, Baodi District.

"Learn from farmers" parent-child research tours (11 items) were launched. Tourists who like farming can go to Zhangjiawo Town, Xiqing District to punch in ancient dates and find honey at the interesting Insect Festival; If you like to do it by hand, you can go to Yueqiao Village, Beizhakou Town, Jinnan District to enjoy noodle art, intangible cultural heritage and carpentry workshop, and to Panguanzhuang Village, Banqiao Town, Ninghe District to enjoy a parent-child tour.

We launched 19 folk culture tours of "Rural Style Passion". In terms of folk customs, tourists can go to Cheshenjia Scenic Spot in Jizhou District to visit the Chinese Ritual and Music Cultural Festival, go to Xiaozhan Town in Jinnan District to see the special performance of "South Qilin", and go to Cuihuangkou Town in Wuqing District to see the Qinglong Bay levee; In terms of national trend, you can go to the Happy Valley in Dongli District to visit the National Fashion Festival, and go to the Social Mountain Square in Xiqing District for a national trend outing; In terms of intangible cultural heritage, you can go to the Stone Fun Garden in Jizhou District to experience handmade pottery, painted clay figurines, and Cuihuangkou Town in Wuqing District to visit the "Weaving Color Palace".

The "Range Rover" rural fitness tour (19 items) was launched. Jinghai District will hold the 2024 Tianjin Tuanbo Lake Half Marathon, Dongli District will hold the Dongli Lake Marathon, etc.

Launched "Long Village" farmers' market tours (10). In terms of agricultural products, tourists can go to Baodi District to visit the 6th Quanbao Leek Festival, Dongli District to visit Huantuo Tomato Festival, Jinghai District Bei'erbao Village to visit the Watermelon Cultural Tourism Festival, etc; In terms of village style, you can visit Zhongwang Daji in Jinghai District and the market in Cuihuangkou Town, Wuqing District; In terms of cultural and creative fairs, you can visit the sixth National Night Market in Xiqing District and the second Four Seasons Happy Tourism Festival in Baodi District.

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