Tianjin was shortlisted as the top 8 cities for the May Day holiday

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Source: North Network Author: Zhang Shanshan, Daily News Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-06 09:06:00

Summary: Yesterday, Ctrip, the tourism platform, released the 2024 May Day Holiday Travel Summary. According to the data, Tianjin ranked top 8 among the most popular cities for tourism around. Hotel orders in Tianjin increased by 17% year on year, outbound travel orders increased by 61% year on year, and inbound travel orders increased by 65% year on year.

Yesterday, Ctrip, the tourism platform, released the 2024 May Day Holiday Travel Summary. According to the data, Tianjin ranked top 8 among the most popular cities for tourism around. Hotel orders in Tianjin increased by 17% year on year, outbound travel orders increased by 61% year on year, and inbound travel orders increased by 65% year on year.

Tianjin's main tourist sources are Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Jinan and Shanghai; The popular scenic spots are Teda Aircraft Carrier Theme Park, National Marine Museum, Panshan, Tianjin Polar Ocean Park, and Porcelain House. The popular destinations for Tianjin residents are Beijing, Jinan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding and Shanghai.

This May Day holiday, tourists are more relaxed and cost-effective. Compared with the "crowded" in the first and second tier cities, the average price of hotel rooms in the county market is only half of the average price in the first and second tier popular cities. Whether you are going to a small county for vacation, or getting close to nature, or dancing at the music festival, releasing your body and mind, and pursuing a sense of relaxation have become tourists' favorite.

Urban people who have lived in the "cage" for a long time have launched the "Wizard of Oz" campaign to find a realistic version of their homes. Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Beijing, Suzhou, Jinan, Tianjin, Chengdu and Wuhan have become popular cities to visit around during the May Day holiday. The search popularity of camping scenic spots and mountain scenic spots increased by 16% and 35% respectively year on year.

During the May Day holiday, the search for concerts, music festivals and other related topics grew by 23% year on year. Street concerts launched by some cities, such as Tianjin "Bridge Music Club" and Lanzhou "Yellow River Cantata", were well received.

During the May Day holiday, inbound and outbound tourism orders increased by 105% year on year. The visa free policy has a significant effect, and the growth rate is higher than that of domestic tourism. The 12 countries that are unilaterally visa free in China and Singapore and Thailand, which are mutually visa free, have seen a cumulative increase of inbound tourists by about 2.5 times year on year. In terms of outbound tourism, Chinese tourists cover nearly 200 countries and regions and more than 3000 cities and towns in the world. Hong Kong and Macao, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea are popular outbound destinations.

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