I still miss the taste at home when I travel thousands of miles

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Source: Author: Cao Qi Editor: Cao Qi 2024-05-07 14:38:57

Summary: Many friends spent a holiday outside, tasted the local characteristics, but still miss the taste of home. Returning to Tianjin must be arranged. Only from snacks to big taste can be regarded as the right taste!

   Tianjin North News: Many friends spent a holiday outside, tasted the local characteristics, but still miss the taste of home. Returning to Tianjin must be arranged. Only from snacks to big taste can be regarded as the right taste!

   Mu Yi

   Address: Second Avenue fifty-six number

   This shop is very popular. Almost every time we come here, there are no empty seats. Many people will choose this place to eat when they receive friends from other places.

   His family has more fusion dishes, but they all meet the basic taste of Tianjin people. Roast duck is recommended, which can be regarded as the signboard here. It is attractive in color, fat and thin. It must be the first dish in liquidation. You must not miss the duck soup, which is too fresh. It starts with 2 bowls each time. In addition, it is also worth tasting the sour, sweet, salty, super rice, and a lot; Crab roe tofu is extremely fresh and tender. After eating fish and meat, you can try this dish to give you a different taste buds experience.

   Ladle Tavern

   Address: 5F, Xiyuehui Shopping Center, the intersection of Huanghe Road and Miyun Road, Nankai District

   This shop is the favorite of the elders, and many of the family gatherings of small friends around choose here. His family not only has authentic Tianjin flavor, but also has new Tianjin flavor after improvement.

   The eight delicacies tofu is recommended. It is fresh, tender and smooth. It is the essence of this dish. The ingredients are also very rich: diced chicken, shrimp, scallops, crab sticks, tofu ...... Both adults and children love to eat. In addition, Kung Pao shrimp balls are also recommended. They are sour and sweet. There is a bit of hemp in them. They are rich in taste and layered.

   Zhensheng Halal Hotel

   Address: the intersection of Huangpu North Road and Yong'an Road, Hexi District (Yuanxing Xinli Bottom)

   This shop should be in front of many people "Canteen", you can choose one or half of the dishes, which is very humanistic.

   Beef, scallions and wheat are recommended. With thin skin and large stuffing, you can have a mouthful full of juice, and you won't lose anything to Shanghai Xiaolongbao. Fried dishes recommend shredded pork with Beijing sauce, fresh sweet shredded pork, fresh scallions, wrapped in bean skins, and you don't want to stop eating. Pine nut corn is also good if you want to light it.

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