2024 National Sports Industry Working Conference Held in Shanghai

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Source: Xinhuanet Author: Editor: Liu Xin 2024-04-24 23:58:16

Summary: The 2024 National Sports Industry Working Conference will be held in Shanghai on the 22nd

The 2024 National Sports Industry Working Conference was held in Shanghai on the 22nd. The purpose of this meeting is to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, deploy the sports industry work for a period of time in the future in combination with the construction of a sports power, unify ideas, gather consensus, and strive to promote the sports industry to become a pillar industry of the national economy.


Zhou Jinqiang, deputy director of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China, said: "Accelerating the construction of a sports power puts forward new requirements for the sports industry, helping to build a new development pattern reflects the new responsibility of the sports industry, and meeting the people's aspirations for a better life gives the sports industry a new mission."

Xie Dong, vice mayor of Shanghai, said: "With the high-quality development of Shanghai's economy and society, the sports consumption demand of the general public continues to grow, and the consumption habits and consumption patterns also show new changes. Sports and fitness have become a new trend of public consumption. The acceleration of sports and the integration of science and technology, online events, intelligent equipment, digital streaming media, etc. have created new space for the development of the sports industry, and spawned a new format of sports science and technology integration and development. Sports and leisure show diversity. Sports and food, housing, shopping, tourism, entertainment and other forms of business have accelerated their integration, gradually releasing a strong economic spillover effect. "

Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau, Heilongjiang Provincial Sports Bureau, Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau, Fujian Provincial Sports Bureau, Hubei Provincial Sports Bureau, Sichuan Provincial Sports Bureau and Yunnan Provincial Sports Bureau made exchange speeches at the conference.

Yang Xueshui, director of the Sports Economy Department of the General Administration of Sport of China, made a work report at the meeting. The report shows that since 2023, the work of the sports industry mainly includes: improving policies and measures, and continuously promoting the integration of sports into the overall economic and social development of the country; Innovate consumption activities and implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the help of major sports events; Create a platform demonstration and cultivate a new card of sports industry quality; Enrich product supply and vigorously develop people centered sports.


In the past year, the scale of the national sports industry has been further expanded, the economic benefits of sports events have been further highlighted, and the potential of sports consumption pilot projects has been further released. In the next step, the focus of work in the field of sports industry mainly includes: adhering to the top-level design and doing a good job in the development of policy documents; Insist on highlighting the key points and do a good job in promoting the cultivation of consumer brand activities; Adhere to the guidance of demonstration, and focus on the typical driving force of high-quality development; Insist on consolidating the foundation and do a good job in supporting and supporting work.

Persons in charge of sports administrative departments and functional departments of sports industry of all provinces (districts and cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant departments and bureaus, directly affiliated units and enterprises of the General Administration of Sport, representatives of national sports social organizations, and relevant experts attended the meeting.

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