How to deal with athletes who violate the rules of competition? Chinese track and field is clear

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Source: Xinhuanet Author: Editor: Liu Xin 2024-04-24 23:48:00

On the 23rd, the China Track and Field Association released the Rules for the Implementation of the Management of the National Track and Field Competition Style and Discipline (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) through the official microblog.

The Detailed Rules clearly require that athletes and auxiliary personnel who violate the rules of competition conduct and discipline shall be dealt with as follows according to the seriousness of the circumstances:

Critical education;

Order inspection;

Circulate a notice of criticism;

Cancel the qualification for the selection of the Sports Ethics Award in this event;

Cancel the qualification and performance of this sports event;

Access to the competition and training site is restricted;

It is prohibited to participate in one or more national track and field events;

It is prohibited to participate in national track and field events for 1-4 years or be suspended for life.

Submit for inclusion in the blacklist of the sports market in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State;

Transfer to the judicial organ for handling.

The following measures shall be taken for the referees who violate the rules and regulations of the competition according to the seriousness of the case:

Critical education;

Order inspection;

Circulate a notice of criticism;

Cancel the qualification for judging one or more events;

Take back awards (title, bonus and prize, etc.);

It is prohibited to execute the judgment for 1-4 years or for life;

Reduce or revoke the technical level of referees;

The recommending unit shall not participate in the bidding for and holding national track and field events within 4 years;

Submit for inclusion in the blacklist of the sports market in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State;

Transfer to the judicial organ for handling.

The Detailed Rules shall come into force as of July 1, 2024.

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