On the 16th of the 2024 Haihe International Consumption Season, more than 500 special activities will be launched in three months

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Source: Tianjin Daily Author: Ma Xiaodong Editor: Sun Chang 2024-06-15 07:40:55

Summary: The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce that the 2024 Haihe International Consumption Season will be held from June 16 to September 16, during which 10 landmark activities will be held, including the 2024 Tianjin Fashion Week, the Quality Consumption Carnival, and the Tianjin Night Life Festival, and more than 500 people friendly promotions, leisure experiences, and cultural and fashion activities will be launched in conjunction with major business enterprises.

   Tianjin North News: The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce that the 2024 Haihe International Consumption Season will be held from June 16 to September 16, during which 10 landmark activities will be held, including the 2024 Tianjin Fashion Week, the Quality Consumption Carnival, and the Tianjin Night Life Festival, and more than 500 people friendly promotions, leisure experiences, and cultural and fashion activities will be launched in conjunction with major business enterprises. This is also the fourth consecutive year that Haihe International Consumption Season has been held in our city.

The theme of the Haihe International Consumption Season is "Enjoy Tianjin". During the event, light shows and live performances will be introduced into key business districts such as Golden Street, Yifeng District and Florence Town, and cultural activities such as art festivals, music festivals and drama festivals will be held. In combination with the theme of "Aesthetic Restaurant", "Zhen Taste Coffee", "Art Time", "Play Tonight", and other topics, the hand-painted map of "One Hundred Years of Western style Buildings Today" will also be launched during this period to attract more tourists to visit Tianjin's small western style buildings. In addition, our city will also promote a number of "new scenes of a better life in the city", such as leisure camping, cool bazaars, and balcony concerts, around the night economy, outdoor economy, and experience economy, and continue to carry out consumer goods trade in activities.

It is worth mentioning that this Haihe International consumption season also aims at "new customers", and will accurately push "Enjoy Tianjin Consumption Strategy" to tourists in Beijing, Hebei and other places through WeChat and other channels, and issue 100000 Haihe International consumption season coupons. The influence of Haihe International Consumption Season will be further expanded by making use of theme activities such as "food along with travel", V1 Summer Carnival, Nezha Sports Carnival and more than 20 high-quality cultural performances, exhibitions and sports events. (Sun Chang, editor of Jinyun News)

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