A new primary school is added in the area around the South Railway Station

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Source: Tianjin Radio and Television Station Author: Liu Xiaoxi Editor: Li Tong 2024-05-21 20:28:48

Summary: In the past two days, the main body of the new Zhangjiawo No. 1 Primary School in Xiqing District was completed and put into use in September this year.

   Tianjin North News: In the past two days, the main body of the new Zhangjiawo No. 1 Primary School in Xiqing District was completed and put into use in September this year.

Zhangjiawo No. 1 Primary School is 5 kilometers away from the South Railway Station and adjacent to the South Railway Station Science and Technology Business District. In the past two years, more than 2000 new enterprises have been introduced in this area, and the number of new Tianjin residents has increased. Many new communities around Tinglanyuan, Wenzhiyuan and so on have moved in in the past two years. 90% of them are young parents. They hope that children can enroll nearby to effectively relieve the degree pressure in the surrounding areas. The first primary school in Zhangjiawo Town, the fourth public primary school in the town, will be built in Xiqing District. The school will open 24 classes, which can accommodate 1080 students. At present, the main body of the school has been completed, and indoor decoration and electromechanical installation are under way. It is expected to be completed in June. (Li Tong, editor of Jinyun News)


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