The carrier construction of Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City has been accelerated. The first science and technology park and the second medical park have been completed

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Source: Tianjin Daily Author: Du Yangyang Editor: Sun Chang 2024-05-21 08:03:00

Summary: Since this year, Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, located in Baodi District, has accelerated the progress of carrier construction, optimized service processes, improved service quality and efficiency, and further created an excellent ecological environment in Zhongguancun. It is reported that at present, six of the 12 standardized plant projects in Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City have been started, including the first science and technology park and the second medical park.

   Tianjin North News: Since this year, Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, located in Baodi District, has accelerated the progress of carrier construction, optimized service processes, improved service quality and efficiency, and further created an excellent ecological environment in Zhongguancun. It is reported that at present, six of the 12 standardized plant projects in Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City have been started, including the first science and technology park and the second medical park.

At present, in the Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City Science and Technology R&D Supporting Facilities Project Park 1, the building construction of Zhongran Senchuang (Tianjin) Smart Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. has been fully completed and will start trial operation in the near future.

Recently, the second park of medical equipment supporting facilities project also welcomed a new member - Kakus Auto Parts (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. This enterprise signed a cooperation agreement with Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City in April 2023, and the project construction has been basically completed.

It is reported that Beijing Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, while accelerating the progress of carrier construction, continues to optimize the service process, providing enterprises with all-round nanny services from formalities handling, policy consultation to information feedback, and providing a strong guarantee for the smooth delivery of projects. (Sun Chang, editor of Jinyun News)

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