Tianjin News (2024-05-20)

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Source: Tianjin Radio and Television Station Author: Edited by: Zhang Qilin 2024-05-20 20:43:26

Summary: The main contents of Tianjin News on May 20 are as follows: the "host bank" system of key industrial chains is upgraded again, promoting the deep integration of capital chain and industrial chain, and watering "financial water" for new quality productivity

   Tianjin North News: The main contents of Tianjin News on May 20 are as follows: the "host bank" system of key industrial chains is upgraded again, promoting the deep integration of capital chain and industrial chain, and watering "financial water" for new quality productivity; The German funded enterprise Saiwei Transmission Intelligent Assembly Center project was completed, trial production was carried out on the 20th, and it is expected to be officially put into production next month; Focusing on the fundamental task of cultivating people, focusing on the major ideological and political courses, Tianjin innovates teaching methods, enriches teaching scenes, and enables the Party's innovative theory to better enter textbooks, classrooms, and minds; Improve the flood control capacity, and the restoration project of Dongdian and Wenanwa flood storage and detention areas is accelerating; Heping District recruited community social assistance specialists, established a proactive discovery mechanism, and helped needy people more timely... (Zhang Qilin, editor of Jinyun News)


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