Germany Bosch Group's household appliance department plans to cut 3500 employees globally

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Source: Xinhua Finance 2024-02-28 17:17:16

Summary: According to the current business volume, Bosch Group's Home Appliances Department (BSH) plans to reduce about 3500 jobs in indirect sectors around the world by the end of 2027

Germany Bosch Group plans to lay off staff again. Matthias Metz, spokesman of Bosch Group, announced on the 23rd that according to the current business volume, the BSH of Bosch Group plans to cut about 3500 jobs in indirect sectors around the world by the end of 2027, of which 1000 jobs will be cut this year.

Metz said that 450 jobs in Germany will be affected by the plan this year, and it has not been determined how many jobs Germany will cut in the next three years.

According to Metz, indirect fields include administration. Therefore, the production will not be affected for the time being, and the adjustment will be carried out in a socially acceptable way. Bosch home appliance departments including Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau, Neff and other brands hope to avoid layoffs.

Bosch has set up a special transformation department to help affected employees in Germany enter the internal and external employment markets. According to Metz, BSH currently has about 60000 employees worldwide, including about 17000 German employees.

Bosch Group said that complexity and cost must be significantly reduced to ensure competitiveness and fund necessary investments. This is particularly important in view of the rapidly changing market situation and the continuing difficulties and decline in the economic situation. The top priority is to adapt the organization to the new strategy and growth market.

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