
Historical reasons for women's cheating

We often say that the purpose of women's marriage is to find a long-term meal ticket for life. Is this view reasonable? Western studies also believe that women's preference for male characteristics when choosing a spouse is related to their state and the mastery of resources. In 1979, Donald Symons wrote the landmark book "Human Sexual Evolution" on the basis of extensive reading. His research strongly supports the evolution of women's sex: their sexual adaptation selection for copulation is based on the quality of non genetic material resources and the quality of service that men have.

The view that women obtain the material materials and services provided by men through sexual selection corrects the view that women lose their estrus. The lost estrus in this period is typically related to "covert ovulation" (although we strongly oppose these phenomena, there are very important differences between them), as reflected in the lack of significant changes in women's sexual behavior or women's attractiveness to men during the menstrual cycle. Lack of purposeful ovulation signals (i.e., sexual swelling). (Researchers often include other female characteristics, such as the breast is still secretive ovulation.) As an adaptive explanation, Simons (1979) proposed that women can obtain material benefits from men throughout the menstrual cycle through secretive ovulation, not only when they are fertile, Men, on the other hand, are keen to get the opportunity to have sex with their partners (as long as men do not discriminate against women whether they are in a fertile period, they will try to be close to women and not be affected by women's fertility, while women may not be interested in sex when they are not fertile).

Simons believes that the purpose of women's acceptance of sexual activity is not only to obtain sperm, but also to design it to obtain greater benefits for themselves and their children. In order to achieve this goal, covert ovulation will play a decisive role. In other words, the purpose of women's sexual behavior in the non fertility period is to obtain intangible material benefits from men. In the following quarter century, studies have shown that the reason why non-human primate females have promiscuous sexual relations with multiple male partners is to confuse the parent-child relationship, so as to avoid that males are not good to their offspring. Therefore, their sexual purpose is not only for pregnancy, but also for multiple purposes.

Expert Consultant of Sex Happiness Class: Ma Xiaonian

Article keywords: history woman To steal fishy food ovulation

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