Don't eat these snacks for a lifetime

Snacks have two functions: one is to supplement the nutrition lacking in the staple food; the other is to eat to reduce hunger, so as to control the calorie intake of the day. Eating nuts in the morning or in the morning is the first goal; The second goal is the goal that people must achieve, because controlling heat is the most important health care. Snacks that can achieve this effect can be eaten not only when hungry, but also in the afternoon or evening. To put it bluntly, it is best to use these snacks with large size and low calories to fool the growling stomach.

According to the advantages and disadvantages of food nutrition, some foods should be eaten only once a year, such as pig brain, fat intestines and squid with high cholesterol content; Some of them had better not eat for a lifetime, such as cola, milk tea and jelly, which have no other value except calories and additives. These three are very common snacks, and the advertising rate is also the highest. In fact, these are the most nutritious junk food. They satisfy people's appetite at the cost of high calories and low nutrition.

Coke is more good for its social value. Some researchers believe that this cheap beverage has leveled the gap between all levels of American society. However, from the perspective of nutritional value, Coke is a carbonated beverage with only calories, which is almost useless.

Except boiled water and tea, any food has different calories. Now that calorie intake is excessive and calorie reduction has become the first priority of health, since there are also calories, it is better to choose foods that contain other nutrients besides calories, such as protein, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients. After all, these are necessities of life, and it is worth paying a price for them, but there is no one in cola.

The second is milk tea. In addition to being like cola, which mainly contains calories, milk tea is fragrant mainly because it contains trans fat, which is the same plant milk powder as coffee mate. Although it is not toxic food, if it is used more frequently, the damage to blood vessels is far more than animal fat. Milk tea, after all, is a kind of flavoring beverage without milk or tea. It has neither the protein contained in milk nor the calorie free advantage of tea. It is not as good as milk or tea.

Then there is jelly. The "fruit" in jelly has long lost the value of fruit, and the vitamin C contained in fruit has long been lost during processing. Jelly also contains sugar and gelatin. Sugar is another curse of fattening, and gelatin is an additive that is difficult to guarantee "birth".

Coke, milk tea and jelly are actually snacks that people unknowingly add to their lives after the economy is developed, which in itself deviates from the most fundamental meaning of food: eating is for the sake of satiety and nutrition, and mouth addiction often hides hidden health risks. French fries are also a kind of unhealthy snacks. The reason why they are proposed is that China has announced that potatoes will become a staple food, which means that the number of foods using potatoes as raw materials will increase. In order to avoid this becoming the reason for indulgence of potato chip eaters, I must make the following points clear.

French fries are bad for two reasons.

First of all, French fries are fried. Once fried, there is a substance that can cause cancer: acrylamide. In addition to carcinogenesis, animal experiment results also showed that people exposed to acrylamide at low doses for a long time would have symptoms such as lethargy, mood and memory changes, hallucinations and tremors, and accompanied by peripheral neuropathy. The acrylamide content in fried potato chips and chips can be four times higher than that in cereals.

Secondly, potato chips contain excess calories. Now many manufacturers use the "non fried" French fries production method, and take it as a promotional point. However, it must be noted that "non frying" is not equal to health or low calorie, because even if crispy chips and chips are not fried, and there is no acrylamide problem, the addition of oil in the production process is also indispensable, otherwise there will be no crispy taste that people expect. Just like all kinds of cakes we make at home, whether they are pastry baked in the north or scallion pancakes in the south, if you want to eat them, you must have more oil. Therefore, even without the acrylamide problem, the excess heat of potato chips is still a big problem.

If you really use potatoes as snacks, the best way is to simply steam them and add seasoning as a substitute for staple food. The potatoes made in this way have a good sense of satiety, which can reduce the intake of rice and steamed bread, and because there is no frying and oil addition, the total amount of calories can be reduced.


Excerpted from Tong Tong's book "Women are warmer and younger" by Jiangsu Phoenix Science and Technology Press

Article keywords: snacks French fries tea with milk quantity of heat

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