
Chinese wolfberry can cure men's diseases

06:30, January 12, 2016    Sina Health Comprehensive   Collect this article      

Men can eat medlar like this

   Impotence It is a common disease of men, and impotence of men will seriously affect their health and marital life. What to eat for impotence? Here is a folk prescription. You can try it: 30 grams of Chinese wolfberry. Put the eggs in water and boil them. After the eggs are cooked, remove the shells and cook them again. Drink soup and eat eggs. You can take them for 3-5 days.

It is reported that there is scientific basis for the use of wolfberry boiled eggs to treat impotence. Lycium barbarum L. contains carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, β - sitosterol, linoleic acid, zinc, etc. Zinc can increase the enzyme activity, increase the secretion of pituitary gonadotropin and growth hormone, and has therapeutic effect on kidney deficiency patients. Studies have confirmed that Lycium barbarum has the function of regulating the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system and immune system of the human body, and has a low hypotension , reduce cholesterol and prevent Arteriosclerosis The role of formation. The prevention of arterial stearin can increase the blood flow into the penis. Once the blood flow into the penis is greater than the output, the penis will be hard and erect.

Many people, especially men, want to enhance their sexual ability. In addition to taking medicine, you can also achieve the goal of "strengthening yang" through diet. For example, medlar is a natural fruit called Viagra. Animal viscera also have the corresponding ability, but it does not contain low cholesterol. Eating lycium barbarum does not need this problem at all. On the contrary, wolfberry is still a food that can reduce cholesterol.

  Why is wolfberry called gastronomic Viagra?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is an important organ of the human body, which stores essence, is responsible for growth, development and reproduction, and is closely related to bone, marrow and ears. Lycium barbarum and kidney beans can supplement kidney qi and strengthen bones and muscles. Lycium barbarum has obvious effects of tonifying the kidney and essence, and its medicinal properties are mild. It has been praised by famous scholars in past dynasties as a good medicine for strengthening the body and prolonging life.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry fruit is sweet and flat in nature and belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. It can tonify the kidney and replenish essence, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes, replenish blood and calm the nerves, generate fluid and quench thirst, and is commonly used to treat liver and kidney deficiency and deficiency of blood essence. However, the way of eating lycium barbarum is different for different diseases and constitutions.

Deficient fatigue and weakness, waist and leg pain, foot and knee tenderness caused by deficiency of kidney yin dizzy tinnitus The simplest way to eat is to soak medlar in water. Take 20-30g of medlar, brew it with boiling water, cover it and stew for 10-20 minutes before drinking, soak it for two or three times before eating it. Chewing and eating Lycium barbarum directly is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients. When Zhang Xichun, a modern doctor, was 50 years old, he chewed 30g of medlar every night before going to bed. It is suggested that people with hot physique take 15-40 pills in the morning and evening, and the effect can be achieved after 1-3 months. People with cold constitution should not eat it raw, but they can steam it in a bowl for 30-40 minutes and then eat it as a snack.

  How to eat medlar to strengthen yang

1. Stewed Pigeon with Beiqi and Qizi

10g: Mingmu

15g: kidney tonifying

30g: lose weight

2. Chinese Wolfberry Huaishan Sea Cucumber Soup Pot

Ingredients: Huaishan Five Coins, Morinda officinalis Five Coins, Kuqi Five Coins, Sea Cucumber Eight Liang, and 20 red dates.


1. Clean Huaishan Mountain, Morinda officinalis, medlar, sea cucumber and red jujube.

2. Cut the sea cucumber into pieces, put them into the stew pot together with the above materials, add some water, and stew for three hours.

3. Gouqi Peanut Congee

Main material:

150g glutinous rice 150g white rice 100g peanut [1]

20g medlar, 50g red jujube, 6-8 chrysanthemums

Production steps:

Soak peanuts in hot water for 2 hours and remove clothes

Soak medlar for later use. Wash, stone and chop red dates

The chrysanthemums were washed with water

Wash and soak two kinds of rice together for 2 hours. Place the pressure cooker;

Cook with peanuts. Bring it to a boil over high heat and let it simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.

Let the red dates simmer for 5 minutes Put chrysanthemums and boil medlar for 1 minute.

4. Stewed Mutton with Chinese Wolfberry

It has the function of consolidating essence, improving eyesight, strengthening tendons and tonifying the kidney. Applicable to male impotence Premature ejaculation , women with irregular menstruation, decreased sexual desire and other kidney deficiency patients. Old and weak, vision loss, dizziness effect is also good.

Ingredients: 1kg mutton, 20g medlar, 2kg clear soup, proper amount of chives and salt.

Production steps:

First, put it into boiling water, boil it thoroughly, take it out and cut it into small cubes, pour it into a hot oil pan with ginger slices, stir fry it, cook cooking wine, then pour it into a casserole, put 20g of medlar, 2kg of clear soup, appropriate amount of chives and salt, and stew it in a low heat. Flavor with MSG.

5. Medlar and corn soup

It is delicious and beautiful in color.

Main ingredient: 200g corn (fresh)

Accessories: 10g medlar, 20g green beans

Seasoning: 150g white granulated sugar, 5g starch (corn)

Production method

1. Wash and soak the medlar;

2. Clean corn kernels;

3. Put the pot on the fire, add some water, put corn kernels and green beans into the pot, and cook until the corn kernels are ripe;

4. Add white sugar and Chinese wolfberry seeds and boil for about 5 minutes. Stir in flour and thicken. Remove from the pan and put into a bowl. Serve.


It is good for your health to eat some medlar food properly, but don't take medlar as Viagra. Lycium barbarum, as a medicine, also has indications and contraindications, and should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

reference resources

Lycium barbarum has obvious effect of tonifying kidney and essence. Family Doctor Online June 11, 2014

What are the eating methods of medlar. Family Doctor Online June 23, 2014

Article keywords: Impotence tinnitus Premature ejaculation diet Chinese wolfberry

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