Where wrinkles are kidney deficiency

Maybe you will sigh in the mirror every day: "Alas, the years are aging, and there is one more wrinkle on your face!" In fact, they may be telling you the true health of your body.

   Eyebrow lines - is the pressure too great?

The wrinkles between the eyebrows are commonly called "angry lines". When people are angry or absorbed in meditation, the so-called "angry lines" will appear between the eyebrows. In addition, if you are under physical and mental tension or heavy pressure, angry lines will also follow.

[Drive "pattern" method] 1. Five to ten sweet almonds a day can help you improve your concentration and relieve tension. 2。 Take 10 abdominal breaths at night. Let yourself relax naturally, lie flat as far as possible, close your eyes tightly, and take abdominal breathing for 10 times. This action can significantly improve your body and mind after a day of tension.

   Frontal wrinkles - how is your sleep?

The forehead tattoo is a standard to test the quality of your sleep. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the appearance of forehead wrinkles is caused by long-term lack of sleep.

[Drive "pattern" method] 1. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow, and you will have a good night's dream. 2。 Lemon has a calming effect. In addition, the outer husks of grains such as rice and oats contain serotonin that can help improve sleep and maintain calm.

   Fishtail - Kidney Deficiency?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the reflection area of the human kidney on the face is the part where the outer corner of the eye is connected with the ear. The corner of the eye has deep crow's feet. It is necessary to consider whether there is a problem with the kidney.

[Drive "pattern" method] 1. Internal nutrition: Jujube can nourish qi and blood, longan can nourish blood, medlar can nourish kidney yin, walnuts can nourish kidney and waist, and peanuts and chestnuts are also good healthy snacks for tonifying kidney and blood. 2。 External application: Rub the palms of both hands and place them on the waist until the body feels slightly hot, which can replenish kidney qi.

   Lip side lines - bad liver and gall?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the wrinkles on the right side of the lip reveal that the liver and gallbladder are overburdened, while the wrinkles on the left may be a sign of spleen problems.

[Drive "pattern" method] 1. The liver is most active between 1 and 3 a.m., which is also the time when the liver is detoxifying. If you don't have a good rest during this period, it will directly affect the liver health. 2。 The best food for nourishing the liver is definitely not pig liver as many people think, but chicken liver, which has stronger liver tonic effect and can also warm the stomach. 3。 Vinegar tastes sour and enters the liver, which has the functions of calming the liver and dispersing stasis, detoxification and bacteriostasis. Take 40ml of vinegar every day, dilute it with warm water and drink it.

   Nasal Wrinkles - Is Your Heart Good?

Nasal wrinkles represent the heart. There are many and dense wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, which may be the reason for the overload of the heart.

[Drive "pattern" method] 1. A little red wine every day. In order to enhance the heart function, you can drink a small amount of red wine every day, which is known as the best heart tonic drink. 2。 Increasing the intake of folic acid is helpful to control blood pressure. Folic acid contained in green leafy vegetables, cereals and fortified bread is beneficial to patients with apoplexy and heart disease Everyone is good. 3。 The ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is the best indicator to measure the risk of heart disease. Divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. For men, it should not be higher than 0.9, and for women, it should not be higher than 0.850. The higher the value, the greater the risk of heart disease.

Article keywords: wrinkle Kidney asthenia

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