This sex life can cure women

Many married women have such a feeling that the diseases that did not exist in their teenage years have appeared after marriage, and some have repeatedly failed to heal. Why? This is because marriage can not only cure some female diseases, but also cause some female diseases.

What female diseases can male factors cause? The following diseases are often associated with men. dysmenorrhea , irregular menstruation, premenstrual tension syndrome, breast disease Neurasthenia , some allergic diseases, vaginal infectious diseases STD pelvic infection depression , dermatosis Infertility Etc.

Many Gynecological diseases It is caused by endocrine disorder, and whether endocrine balance is related to the function of human brain, hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and other organs. After marriage, because of happy spirit, comfortable life and happy marriage, the relationship between cerebral cortex and hypothalamus becomes more harmonious; again With the stimulation of sexual life, the secretion of estrogen is more in line with the physiological needs, so that the autonomic nerve activities innervating the viscera are more balanced. In this way, some diseases before marriage will be gradually improved or cured without medicine. On the contrary, if the sexual life is not harmonious, women cannot be sexually satisfied or their sexual life is not clean, it can lead to a series of diseases for women.

Sexual life has four functions: fertility, pleasure, health, and increasing emotion. If there are problems in sexual life, there will be related problems, such as men Impotence Premature ejaculation , women can not be satisfied, which can lead to dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, premenstrual tension syndrome, breast disease, neurasthenia, etc.

There are many causes of dysmenorrhea. In addition to a few organic diseases occurring in the uterus, most of them are caused by psychological factors or uterine contraction dysfunction, such as uterine smooth muscle spasm, whole discharge of endometrium or abnormal contraction of cervix. The normal menstruation is related to the function of hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and other endocrine organs.

Before menstruation, women have obvious breast pain, general fatigue, emotional tension, depression, irritability, nervousness, sweating, etc. In severe cases, there may be edema or mental abnormalities. This disease is associated with Endocrine disorder It is related to mental factors. After having sex, couples get happiness and behavioral satisfaction. It can relieve the depression of sexual physiology, get psychological comfort, and get energy effect in behavior. There is a certain relationship between human emotions and sexual life. When negative emotions such as anger and depression continue to occur, they will cause negative physiological effects and eventually weaken the function of the immune system. Sex can detoxify negative emotions and promote the generation of positive emotions such as pleasure, relaxation and excitement. In the process of sexual life, the central nervous system will release a natural analgesic - Endofibulin.

All these can make the whole physiological system in a relaxed and beneficial state, which is conducive to the regeneration of body functions. Studies have found that excessive stress will damage the immune system and make people vulnerable cold hypertension And canker disease. Sex can eliminate stress and make the body completely relaxed, although this effect only lasts for a few hours. Regular sex life can make people feel stable and relaxed, and help eliminate insomnia Symptoms. The happier the sex life, the easier it is to sleep afterwards. In addition, the heterosexual smell between men and women is a silent language and a potential drug, which can coordinate the physical and mental health of men and women. Research shows that when men sweat, they will release a smell of androsterone, which young women are particularly sensitive to and like. Especially in the ovulation period, they will feel relaxed and happy after smelling the husband's unique smell, eat well and sleep well.

Medical research has proved that sex can alleviate some diseases. For example, the excitement during sexual intercourse will make the human body secrete more adrenaline and other hormones, which have anti allergic effects and can improve eczema Illness. Proper sex life can also improve or control allergy asthma , eczema, which is not only related to psychological pressure, but also related to enhancing the secretion of prostaglandins that can reduce blood pressure. There is a strange phenomenon that the improvement of sexual desire is often caused by some diseases (such as diabetes , Chronic hepatitis Patients) are signs of improvement, and appropriate sex life is also conducive to the recovery of many chronic diseases.

At the beginning of 1980, scientists found that semen contained an antibacterial component comparable to penicillin, named "seminal cerebroplasmin". Once it enters bacterial cells, it can prevent the synthesis of bacterial RNA, thus inhibiting and killing bacteria. After tests, semen cerebroplasmin can kill Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumonia Cocci, etc., so semen can help women sterilize their vagina and avoid being attacked by pathogenic microorganisms. If the sexual life interval between husband and wife is too long, or there is no sexual life for many years, these women suffer from colpitis Opportunities will increase.

Article keywords: sex life dysmenorrhea

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