Men live a long life when they are cold

06:30, December 22, 2015    Dazhong Online - Dazhong Health News Collect this article      

The study found that men are afraid of heat, so men who are "cold" live longer; Women are afraid of cold, so "hot" women live longer. Cold men and hot women are the way to live longer. Australia has released a list of the longest lived regions in the country: the longest lived region for women is Sunshine Coast, Queensland, with an average life span of 84.7 years; The area where men live the longest is the cooler Melbourne and Canberra, with an average life span of 80 years. According to statistics, women living in warm and sunny areas live longer, while men living in cool areas live longer. This law also applies globally.      

Therefore, men should keep it cold and women should keep it hot.

[Male cold maintenance]

1. The body cools down. Men should not take hot water bath or sauna frequently, once a week, the temperature should be 37 ℃ - 41 ℃, 15-20 minutes each time, and the cumulative time per week should not exceed 30 minutes. Men who have fertility requirements should not take a hot bath or steam sauna for half a year.

2. The crotch is cold. The male scrotum has the function of temperature regulation, just like an "air conditioner", which regulates the temperature of the entire reproductive organs. The habit of riding or driving for a long time, wearing thick jeans, putting a laptop on your lap, and sitting in a loose sofa for a long time will cause the scrotum to be surrounded and pressed, and the temperature cannot be adjusted normally, so that the temperature of the testes will rise and the reproductive function will be affected. Therefore, men had better not wear tight jeans, and underpants should be loose, comfortable and breathable. Taxi drivers and men in the office should get up every 40 minutes for 8-10 minutes.

3. The diet cooled down. Men should learn to eat a low calorie diet to reduce the intake of animal fats. Take pork for example, it should be controlled at two or three liang every day. When eating pork, it is best to mix it with legumes to make cholesterol and fat particles smaller.

4. Anger fell. Once a man is over 40, his physical function declines, but his temper grows day by day. When you are angry, you should be good at adjusting. For example, listening to soothing songs, tidying up your desk, and going out for a walk will help to reduce hypotension Calm and stabilize heart rate.

[Hot maintenance for women]

Cold is the biggest damage to women's health and beauty. Not only are their hands and feet cold, but also their faces are prone to spots. Therefore, women should be warm to themselves.

1. Warm feet promote sleep. Women use 40 ℃ hot water to soak their feet for 15-30 minutes before going to bed every day, which can not only relieve back pain, but also promote sleep. The foot water should not be too shallow. At least, it should be above the foot surface and soaked with the lower leg. The effect will be better.

2. Warm food nourishes the intestines and stomach. Women had better eat less cold and raw food, especially those afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, easy to catch cold cold , and women in the physiological cycle should pay more attention. Women can eat more porridge such as jujube and yam porridge and five color porridge in winter. Beiqi Codonopsis pilosula stewed mutton and radish and spareribs soup can warm and nourish blood gas, strengthen physique and resistance. When cooking, they can also put some seasonings such as ginger, pepper and pepper that have the function of "producing heat".

3. Warm water prevents gynecological diseases. The best way to do housework is to use warm water, which is not only comfortable, but also can prevent arthritis And gynecological diseases. Taking a cold bath is a taboo for women.

4. Warm the body and protect the uterus. A woman's uterus is like an upside down pear, which is cool. If you don't pay attention to keeping warm, you will have irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea Etc. In winter, women should pay special attention to keeping their neck, abdomen and legs warm, which can be effectively prevented cervical spondylopathy Therefore, don't forget to wear a scarf when going out, and don't wear too tight clothes, otherwise it will hinder blood circulation. It is better not to wear long boots for a long time, and change to ordinary winter shoes in two days.

Article keywords: longevity Men

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