A woman wants to sell her daughter's dowry to help her neighbor with leukemia

11:13, December 21, 2015    Chengdu Business Daily Collect this article      
 Song Dingbi Holds the Culvert to Check Song Dingbi Holds the Culvert to Check

In Dafeng Town, Xindu, Hu Jiangyuan, 38, made a living by running three rounds of fire. In recent days, she asked almost every person, "Do you buy cross stitch? I have one here, which has been embroidered for two years..."

There is a story behind the cross stitch sale. This cross stitch embroidered for more than two years was originally a dowry prepared by Hu Jiangyuan for her daughter's marriage. Now, she plans to sell it to raise money for her neighbor Song Dingbi. In August this year, Song Dingbi's 5-year-old daughter Hanhan was found to be suffering from leukemia Like Hu Jiangyuan, Song Dingbi is a single mother and has no job.

"I want to help her, but I have no money. If someone can buy my cross stitch, I can donate all the money for selling it to her," said Hu Jiangyuan.

   Embroidered for two years, 2.5 meters long and 1.1 meters high

A few days ago, Hu Jiangyuan finished the last stitches of cross stitch. This cross stitch, 2.5 meters long and 1.1 meters high, is embroidered with ten beautiful women in the dream of the Red Chamber, called "Dream of the Red Chamber".

The idea of selling cross stitch came into being a few days ago. She had never planned to do so before. This cross stitch is very important to her, not only because she spent more than two years on it, but also because she prepared a dowry for her 21-year-old daughter.

"It takes a lot of time to embroider such a large cross stitch. For more than two years, I have been embroidering it almost whenever I am free. I always put it on the tricycle. When there is no business, I will take it out to embroider.".

Hu Jiangyuan intended to sell such an important cross stitch because of a neighbor. A few days ago, Hu Jiangyuan found her in his hometown neighbor Song Dingbi and asked her to help rent a house in Dafeng Town, Xindu. "The cheaper the better.". Hu Jiangyuan learned that the 36 year old woman was divorced and had a difficult life with her 5-year-old daughter. In August this year, her daughter was found to be suffering from leukemia, and the whole family was on the verge of collapse.

"I want to help her, but I don't have any money. After thinking about it, only this cross stitch is worth a little money. I want to sell it, change it into money, and donate it to them."

   "I'm also a single mother"

The neighbor in the mouth of Hu Jiangyuan is Song Dingbi. Now, she is renting a simple house in Dafeng Town with her 5-year-old 1-month old daughter Hanhan.

In August this year, Han Han, Song Dingbi's daughter, was found to be suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia of medium risk type. At present, she has been treated in Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital. She has received two chemotherapy treatments and is about to receive the third chemotherapy. But now, she encountered the biggest problem: no money.

"Two courses of chemotherapy have now cost more than 60000 yuan." Song Dingbi said that she was from Longtang Village, Ganhai Township, Yanyuan County, Liangshan Prefecture. She had always taken her daughter to work around, and almost didn't save money. After her daughter fell ill, she borrowed more than 50000 yuan from friends and relatives. Now the money has been spent and the disease has not been cured. "We are at the end of our tether."

Song Dingbi is a single mother. A few days ago, she took her daughter out of the hospital and tried to call Hu Jiangyuan, an old neighbor she hadn't seen for more than 10 years, to ask her to help rent a cheap house. After seeing Song Dingbi's mother and daughter, Hu Jiangyuan felt "deeply touched". She was also a single mother. She thought of the difficulties of raising two children by herself. "When I saw her taking her daughter with me, and her daughter got leukemia again, I thought they were too pitiful. I was also a single mother. I knew how difficult it was. Her experience deeply touched me." Hu Jiangyuan said with tears.

Hu Jiangyuan said that perhaps it was the similar experience of a single mother that made her feel the same about Song Dingbi. She wanted to help the mother and daughter, but she had no money. "After much thought, this is the only cross stitch."

Hu Jiangyuan wanted to sell the cross stitch as a dowry to donate money to her neighbors, but she did not tell her daughter, but she believed that her daughter would support her.

As for Han Han, a doctor from the Hematology Department of Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital said that at present, Han Han has completed the second chemotherapy and is about to do the third chemotherapy. The doctor also said that Han Han's family was in poor economic condition and was still raising treatment costs.

Chengdu Business Daily reporter Hu Ting, photographer Wang Qin

Article keywords: leukemia Cross stitch dowry

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