How should we maintain stomach health?

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Source: CCTV Author: Editor: Li Na - Health Channel 2024-05-17 09:24:27

The stomach is an important digestive organ of the human body, which can absorb nutrients for the whole body. If we have stomach problems, we will feel weak, depressed, and even affect our work and life. So, what habits can hurt your stomach? How should we nourish and protect our stomach?

According to the doctor, the most common symptoms of stomach discomfort include indigestion, fullness after meals, acid reflux and heartburn. At present, the proportion of chronic gastritis patients aged 23-34 years old is increasing year by year, which is closely related to bad living habits and eating habits. For example, staying up late and working overtime to eat snacks, irregular meals, overeating, and being obsessed with spicy and stimulating tastes will lead to damage to the gastric mucosal barrier and gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Wang Huahong, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Hospital of Peking University, said: "We often say that the food we eat will eventually become chyme, which is paste like, so that the stomach can be excreted through contraction. When there is a problem with the mucosa, the paste is not well stirred, and it stays here, which may cause abdominal distension."

According to experts, emotions can directly affect the health of the stomach, and the stomach also has memory. Some popular dieting methods may harm the gastrointestinal tract.

Wang Huahong said: "In the long run, the function of the gastrointestinal tract will be disordered, and it is difficult to adjust it again, because as has been said just now, it has a memory. Like the current weight loss method, it may be a state of hunger for three or five days or just drink a little water. From the perspective of our digestive doctors, it is not approved."

In addition, some people are curious, will eating spicy food affect stomach health?

Wang Huahong said: "For example, people, especially young people, are particularly fond of spicy food now, which should be moderate. A small amount of capsaicin can help us digest, while a large amount of capsaicin can damage our mucosa and gastrointestinal mucosa to some extent."

Some people have the habit of drinking water while eating. For this, the doctor said that it is not recommended to drink a lot of water when eating.

Wang Huahong said: "The stomach needs to secrete gastric acid, pepsin and some digestive enzymes of the pancreas. You repeatedly dilute your digestive enzymes with water or other drinks. After you dilute them, digestion is not easy."

Doctors remind that it is important to establish a healthy lifestyle, maintain a good mood and eat a balanced diet to nourish and protect the stomach.

Shen Kai, chief physician of Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of Peking University People's Hospital, said, "We should take enough protein, dietary fiber, even fat and carbohydrates every day, which should be in a certain proportion. We should not favor one aspect. For example, Chinese people always say that porridge is good for the stomach, and porridge has no special nutrition except carbon and water. In addition, eating porridge every day will dilute gastric acid and stimulate more gastric acid secretion. Also, some people say that being vegetarian means only being vegetarian, which will also stimulate the continuous secretion of stomach acid, so we should eat in a certain proportion and be able to eat. "

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