Why should we eat iodized salt without excessive iodine?

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Source: China Economic Network Author: Editor: Li Na - Health Channel 2024-05-17 09:26:41

May 15 is the 31st "Day of Prevention and Treatment of Iodine Deficiency Disorders" in China. This year, the National Health Commission determined the theme of "salt iodization to prevent diseases, balance nutrition and health".

Iodine deficiency disease (IDD) is a syndrome with insufficient thyroid hormone synthesis as the main pathogenesis due to insufficient iodine intake in the external environment, including endemic goiter, endemic cretinism, endemic subclinical cretinism and infertility, abortion, preterm birth, stillbirth and congenital malformation that affect fertility. These diseases were formerly named as endemic goiter and endemic cretinism, and now they are collectively called iodine deficiency diseases to more comprehensively reflect various health problems caused by iodine deficiency. The clinical manifestations of IDD vary with the degree and duration of iodine deficiency and the patient's constitution. For adults, iodine deficiency may lead to chills, poor spirit, constipation, memory loss and other symptoms, and may lead to drowsiness during the day. This is because the lack of thyroxine slows down the basic metabolic rate of the body. For minors, iodine deficiency may affect the development and growth of the central nervous system, which is characterized by poor academic performance, slow response, and short stature. This condition is clinically known as cretinism. For pregnant women, iodine deficiency may lead to incomplete development of the embryonic central nervous system, strange appearance and low weight at birth.

Iodine deficiency disorders are mainly caused by environmental iodine deficiency and improper diet. Some areas far away from coastal areas and mountainous areas with high altitude contain very little iodine in soil and water, especially in areas scoured by glaciers and flooded plains. In addition, if the dietary structure is unreasonable and you do not eat some food rich in iodine, such as seafood, kelp, seaweed, laver, etc., it is also easy to lead to iodine deficiency in the body.

Iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) are defined as "syndromes" because of their broad disease spectrum, including the most common endemic goiter (big neck disease), the most serious endemic cretinism (cretinism), and various adverse pregnancy outcomes caused by iodine deficiency.

Existing studies suggest that during pregnancy, mild iodine deficiency will cause mild development damage. This kind of damage is not easy to detect because it cannot be compared, and once the damage occurs, it cannot be recovered through nutrition enhancement/treatment/training and other means. Therefore, pregnant women and fetuses are the most important to prevent and control iodine deficiency disorders.

According to the recommendation of the Reference Dietary Nutrient Intake of Chinese Residents (WS/T 578-2017), the average daily intake of ordinary adults should not be less than 120 micrograms of iodine, and the average daily intake should not exceed 600 micrograms of iodine; Pregnant women should take at least 230 micrograms of iodine per day, and nursing mothers should take at least 240 micrograms of iodine per day.

In order to prevent and treat iodine deficiency disorders, the following measures can be taken:

Diet adjustment: increase the intake of iodine rich foods such as kelp and laver, especially pregnant women, lactating women and children in growth and development period, and pay special attention to whether the iodine intake is sufficient.

Iodine added to salt: Iodine added to salt is an effective preventive measure against iodine deficiency. Iodized salt is the main means for the country to implement the plan of iodization of table salt. Residents can buy and use iodized salt in their daily life.

Keep a healthy lifestyle: In addition to diet adjustment, you should also keep a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising, not staying up late, avoiding smoking and drinking, which will help improve your body's resistance and reduce the incidence of diseases.

Pay attention to special groups: the elderly, children, pregnant women and people with weak health are more likely to suffer from iodine deficiency and need special attention and care.

If IDD symptoms occur, you must go to the hospital in time for a detailed examination, and then formulate reasonable treatment measures. Treatment methods include drug treatment and surgical treatment, and diet conditioning, such as cooking with iodized salt, is also required.

The level of iodine in the environment of a region determines whether the health of local residents will be threatened by iodine deficiency. According to the Standard for the Delimitation of Iodine Deficiency Areas and Suitable Iodine Areas (WS/T 669-2020), areas where the median iodine in drinking water is less than 40 μ g/L are identified as iodine deficiency areas. It is reported that the iodized salt dosage selected according to national standards in various regions has been scientifically calculated and tested in practice. If there is no other source of iodine nutrition besides normal diet or excessive consumption of high iodine nutrition food for a long time, eating iodized salt can ensure scientific and appropriate iodine nutrition intake of residents. If you do not eat iodized salt for a long time and lack of other exogenous iodine nutrition supplements, the problem of insufficient iodine nutrition intake will inevitably occur.

Long term practice at home and abroad has proved that salt iodization is the most economical, simple and safe effective measure to prevent iodine deficiency disorders; Balanced and reasonable intake of iodine nutrition is one of the keys to maintain the health of oneself and family members.

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