It concerns the latest deployment of the central government to reduce teachers' burden

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Source: Author: Editor: Zhang Jingyi 2024-04-24 15:45:53

Summary: In order to effectively reduce the non educational teaching burden of primary and secondary school teachers, the Secretary Group of the Central Leading Group for Education recently issued a notice to deploy the special rectification work of standardizing social affairs on campus to reduce the burden of primary and secondary school teachers.

In order to effectively reduce the non educational teaching burden of primary and secondary school teachers, the Secretary Group of the Central Leading Group for Education recently issued a notice to deploy the special rectification work of standardizing social affairs on campus to reduce the burden of primary and secondary school teachers.

The Notice clarifies the scope and objectives of special rectification. Concentrate on rectifying the situation that activities and work unrelated to education and teaching enter the campus at will, as well as the formalism that focuses on leaving traces rather than actual results in the process of social affairs entering the campus. Create a good environment for education and teaching by establishing and improving the approval and reporting system for social affairs entering the campus and the long-term mechanism for supervision and management.

The Notice proposes four main tasks. First, systematically figure out the situation of social affairs entering the campus in recent years, formulate access standards, and strengthen problem rectification. The second is to establish the approval and filing system for social affairs on campus, strictly control the total amount of social affairs on campus at the provincial, municipal and county levels, establish a white list and publish it to the public. The third is to review the specific plan of social affairs on campus, which can be integrated according to the actual work, strictly control the scope and duration of activities, and improve the quality of activities on campus. The fourth is to normalize social affairs into campus work through monitoring, verification and notification.

The Notice requires all localities to improve their positions, compact their responsibilities, take standardizing social affairs on campus as an important task for the education system to rectify formalism and lighten the burden at the grass-roots level, strengthen organizational leadership, continue to promote the work of special rectification, and test the effect of special rectification with teachers and students' sense of gain.

Source | Micro Education

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