The Ministry of Education recently announced that these teachers in our city won prizes!

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Source: Author: Editor: Zhang Jingyi 2024-04-24 15:29:23

Summary: Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the winners of the 2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition Teaching Ability Competition and the 2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition Moral Education and Ideological and Political Education related events. Among them, more than teachers from Zhuhai were on the list.

Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the winners of the 2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition Teaching Ability Competition and the 2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition Moral Education and Ideological and Political Education related events. Among them, more than teachers from Zhuhai were on the list.

2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition

List of winners of teaching ability contest


The teaching ability competition of the National Vocational College Skills Competition is divided into the secondary vocational education group, the higher vocational education group, and the military vocational group. After online review and on-site finals, a total of 106 first prizes, 196 second prizes, and 290 third prizes were generated.

The announcement proposed that all localities should do a good job in summing up the work, consolidate and expand the results of the competition, increase publicity, give full play to the role of the weather vane of the competition, guide the vast number of vocational colleges to closely focus on the fundamental task of moral cultivation, implement the national teaching standards and curriculum ideological and political requirements of vocational education, deepen teaching reform, and accelerate the construction of the "double qualified" teacher team, Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, comprehensively improve the quality of teachers, and constantly improve the quality of skilled personnel training.

2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition

Events related to moral education and ideological and political education

Winner List (Tianjin)

The events related to moral education and ideological and political education in the National Vocational College Skills Competition are respectively the ideological and political education curriculum teaching ability competition (set up secondary vocational education group and higher vocational education group) and the secondary vocational school head teacher ability competition.

After online evaluation and on-site finals, the ideological and political education curriculum teaching ability contest (secondary vocational education group) produced 20 first prizes, 40 second prizes and 61 third prizes; There were 26 first prizes, 45 second prizes and 72 third prizes in the ability competition of the head teachers in secondary vocational schools.

The Ideological and Political Education Curriculum Teaching Ability Competition (Higher Vocational Education Group) was held as a whole with the Third National University Ideological and Political Theory Teaching Exhibition, and the winners were announced together.

The announcement proposed that all localities should do a good job in summing up the work, consolidate and expand the results of the competition, increase publicity, give full play to the role of competition in promoting reform and construction, vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, strengthen the construction of the team of ideological and political teachers and head teachers in vocational schools, promote the reform of "three all-around education" in the field of vocational education, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political teaching, Improve the level of moral education and ideological and political work in vocational schools, and constantly improve the quality of skilled personnel training.

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