Including "scientific" quantity, I really want you to win the "Wonderful Consumer Brand Award"

Source: Eastnet 2024-05-21 16:34:54

On May 15, the 2024 Shanghai Summit Forum on Better Consumption with "Science" was successfully concluded in Shanghai. As a "science and technology stock" in the healthy food consumption track, I hope you won the "Beautiful Consumer Brand Award"! It is reported that the award is based on the multi-dimensional selection of "scientific and technological hard power", "innovation ability", "digital transformation ability", "scientific research cooperation and opening", "brand reputation and comprehensive investigation", etc.

As another grand industry forum focusing on the consumption field after the Consumer Expo, this event focuses on topics such as "technology and innovation", "digitization and industrial upgrading", and invites listed companies, investment institutions, and media people in the consumer track to gather together to conduct in-depth exploration and dialogue on industry trends and jointly find the industry momentum under the new round of consumption growth.

It is understood that this forum is under the guidance of the National Federation of Business Newspapers, sponsored by the Associated Press of Finance and co sponsored by Shanghai Lingcan, and Bettany is a strategic partner. In addition to the guest keynote speech and round table forum, the event also released the list of the top enterprises with the most scientific and technological value selected by the Associated Press of Finance based on long-term observation of scientific and technological value in various fields of the capital market and the multi-dimensional joint expert team.

"Innovation is the source of enterprise life, and also the foundation of your career. Scientific and technological innovation has become a powerful support for the food industry to achieve high-quality development, which is evident in the process of product research and development." Shi Jubin, the chairman of Haoxiang, said that in recent years, the development effect of Haoxiang you cannot be separated from its own continuous exploration and innovation, and survival in innovation, Seeking development through innovation and maintaining its leading position.

Since the establishment of the enterprise, I really want you to adhere to the multi-dimensional innovation work, and put forward the "13 major innovations" in practice: innovation of product raw materials, innovation of product formula, innovation of production process, innovation of technical equipment, innovation of product shape, innovation of product specification, innovation of packaging text, innovation of packaging form, innovation of packaging materials The innovation of packaging color, product selling point, food scene and business model. Through innovation, we continue to dig deep into the jujube industry chain, promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and gradually complete the corporate vision of the founder of healthy food in the new era.

I hope that your development achievements in recent years can not be separated from your own continuous exploration and innovation. You can survive and develop in innovation, which has improved the core competitiveness, expanded the brand influence and stabilized the leading enterprise status. I hope you will continue to focus on scientific and technological innovation, the development of the health industry, and lead the new future of healthy food!

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